Chef Carlo

By | Foodie, For kids | 3 Comments

Heart2Heart is amazed at how kids nowadays are so ambitious and at a young age know exactly what they want to be in terms of their future career.  We recently met one of our son’s bestfriends, Carlo.  We were talking and talking about school and other things and then he mentioned that he wanted to be a chef!  I got excited!! 🙂  Carlo told us that he has been taking culinary classes and he is now preparing himself and making sure he meets the requirements so that he can enter the Culinary Institute of America ( CIA ). He is making sure he gets the experience he needs as well.  We were very impressed!! Carlo is only 14 years old and maybe that ambition may change…but the fact that he is forward thinking, shows he is responsible and determined to get somewhere… someday.  Good luck Carlo!!


Carlo even sent us his favorite dish which was creme bruleé.  To earn extra money, he sells his concoctions to friends and family.   


He even came over the house with his torch so he could finish it off  





Rustan’s Christmas by Nena Tantoco

By | Christmas, What's New at Rustan's | 4 Comments

I was so happy to be able to attend this year’s workshop by Tita Nena. I missed the one last year and my friend, Rose Marie Hugo told me about it and sent me a nice email which I kept:

Hi Rica,  

I really appreciate the wonderful pictures on your blog- God bless you.  I missed seeing you at the presentation done by Nena Vargas and Tina Quiros last Thursday.  The place was overflowing with people and so was the delicious food.  Nena is truly an artist as is Tina.  What made it all worthwile was how Nena attributed all her artistry to God with true humility and love.   Thanks again, Rica, I hope to see you soon.  

In Jesus, Rose Marie

So, I made sure this year I would go.  And true enough, Tita Nena started off her workshop with a talk.   I got her notes and this was the message she wanted to impart:


Tita Nena proves to us how God is always incorporated into our lives…in whatever it is we are doing…God is always there and is always the purpose for everything….even when decorating for the holidays 🙂  She made use of God’s gift to us…Nature-twigs, brnaches, leaves, even those that fell off during the typhoon –   and mixed them with the Christmas decorations.  Thanks to Tita Nena as she constantly reminds us about the importance of God in our lives….not only does she share it with us her family…but to others who she meets. 


Destress the Holiday Season by decorating your home with flair.  Get inspired as Nena Tantoco shows her talent in decorating for the holidays 

