Tito Totoy’s 76th Birthday

By | Celebrations, Foodie | 3 Comments

This is becoming a yearly celebration and we are always honored to be part of Suharto’s family.  I look forward to the special cake Soraya bakes for her Dad, the wonderful food, seeing their family and friends, Benny hosting and the fun entertainment.  This year it was Nanet Inventor who i used to watch all the time on Penthouse Live 🙂

 Tito Totoy is looking better and HAPPIER every year! He is lucky to have his children who love him very much and who all get together once a year from all over the world – to celebrate his special day!  Happy Birthday tito Totoy! 


Previous Entries:

Blue Leaf August 3, 2007

75th Birthday of Tito Totoy August 28, 2008



Completo- Talledo Wedding Reception Part 3

By | Bridal | One Comment

 It was a beautiful morning with strong winds coming from the beach…..  


An intimate celebration with friends and family.    


Mark and Neng wanted to share with us their favorite meal of the day, breakfast!  



Instead of the usual throwing of the garter….the one who pulls the string with the ring 


Instead of the usual throwing of the bouquet….The Dating Game…The bachelor gets to choose his partner by choosing her qualities through a process of elimination



Previous Entries:  Sun Cruises August 20, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009

Corregidor Inn August 22, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 2 August 23, 2009

Completo-Talledo Wedding Ceremony Part 1, August 24, 2009

Completo-Talledo Wedding A Maid Of Honor’s Speech Part 2, August 25, 2009 


Completo-Talledo Wedding A Maid of Honor’s Speech Part 2

By | Bridal | 4 Comments

 This is the youngest maid of honor I have ever seen..and I thought it was very sweet and very touching to listen to Rachel sing and give her message to her Teacher who has become her friend and second mother




And Rachel sang a beautiful song from the Broadway play “Wicked”….





Previous Entries:

Sun Cruises August 20, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009

Corregidor Inn August 22, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 2 August 23, 2009

Completo-Talledo Wedding Ceremony Part 1, August 24, 2009

Completo-Talledo Wedding Reception Part 3 August 25, 2009 



Completo – Talledo Wedding Ceremony Part 1

By | Bridal | 8 Comments

 Simple, beautiful, unique, out of the ordinary, meaningful, emotional…. with so many beautiful

 words sang and spoken by all the people who love Mark and Neng


Thank you for making us part of your special day.  


Congratulations and Best Wishes!



They put the ferries to block the wind as the wind from the beach was very strong…. the view would

have been facing the beach and the waves…. 


The beautiful bride, Neng,


wearing a beautiful dress from Rustan’s 🙂


Pastor Walter


Principal Sponsors – Wanda and Romualdo Fontanos


 Ned Hourani


Bruce Landeen


Graham Coates 



Parents of the couple


Ramon and Erma Completo


Angel Custodio Talledo 


Best man, Marvin and the Groom, Mark 


Maids of Honor  – Weng Navarro




Rachel Coates


Ring Bearer, Joshua Hourani




Bible Bearer , Renzo Almodovar


Flower Girls – Christiana Hourani




Julia Almodovar


Jay, the groom’s eldest sister, sings “Two Words” 






Neng, You are the love of my life and to have you as my wife is one great blessing from our great GOD!  I chose to love you, with kindness, humility, faithfulness, patience and respect.    I promise to always be there for you to talk to and listen to you, to bring you as much happiness as I am able, to serve you and take care of your needs, and in everything to hold your hand a we make our way through life together.  I look forward to our marriage as a time to get to know you even more intimately than I already do, through every circumstance that life may bring.  As I habe give you my hand to hold, I give you my life to keep. 


Mark, God’s goodness unfolds right before my very eyes everytime i look at you.  The love that we have has been an answer to years of prayers and i am forever grateful to God for He has molded your heart and has allowed our lives to cross.  I am truly blessed to have found the truest of love with you, and today I commit my life to yours.  I vow to love you for all time and to stay faithful and true to you. I will comfort you in your pain & encourage you with your dreams.  

As our journey through life begins today, I promise  to you that i will forever be by your side and i will be ready to face everything the world has to offer and to go with you wherever God will lead both of us.  I love you! completo-talledo-wedding-24.jpgcompleto-talledo-wedding-25.jpgcompleto-talledo-wedding-26.jpg





It is every child’s dream to have a super hero parents and mine did come true.  My dad is my hero.  He is a cool dad.  He fixes my hair at times, used to come with me to work when he is in the country, love the kids that i used to teach, laugh at my lousy jokes and even volunteered to put lace on my veil.  And today, i just would like to  thank him for allowing me to grow and be a person  that i am now.

And for Mark’s parents, Tatay Ramon and Nanay Erma, thank you for raising up a fine young man as Mark.  His good heart and love for God makes me love him more and more everyday.  Thank you for accepting me in your family.  For not judging me because I am different and for letting me truly feel love and being home again.

Having a hero for a dad, a godly man for a husband and a loving family to be called my own,  fills my heart with so much joy and i praise God to all that. 



A beautiful ceremony – the pouring of sand into one bottle – symbolizing the joining of their lives as one 




Previous Entries:

Sun Cruises August 20, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009

Corregidor Inn August 22, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 2 August 23, 2009

Completo-Talledo Wedding A Maid Of Honor’s Speech Part 2, August 24, 2009

Completo-Talledo Wedding Reception Part 3 August 25, 2009 


Touring Corregidor Part 2

By | Arts and Culture, Travel | One Comment

After lunch, we continued our tour of the island



We were very proud to be in Corregidor because of James’ grandfather, President Sergio Osmeña.  Of course we made sure to take a photo!


The Malinta Tunnel tour was amazing!  Something that should not be missed when in Corregidor.


You walk through the tunnel…..


and there are different scenes you go to narrating the history of Corregidor…..


until you reach the end…..


This was the end of our tour and we went back to the hotel and checked in our rooms. Thank you to our tour guide, Stella Cordoba, who did a great job …very entertaining too 🙂


I really would love to do this all over again…and hopefully with Carlos Celdran the next time

Carlos Celdran Tours :  Rocking the Rock Again!


Carlos Recommends August 3, 2006

Carlos Recommends Part 2 August 4, 2006

Carlos Recommends Part 3 August 5, 2006


Other articles:  Independence Day June 13, 2009 by Twinpopsis

Previous Entries: Sun Cruises August 20, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009

Corregidor Inn August 22, 2009


Corregidor Inn

By | Travel | 3 Comments

In between the tour, they took us to our hotel to have lunch first as we were getting hungry…Corregidor Inn is the only hotel in the island.   It is quite old which fits the look and feel of the place, so I liked it.  

Our tour guide told us that there was one TV in the whole hotel and we all have to share in the lobby- we thought she was joking…she was serious 🙂  But then we realized we never had to even watch TV the whole trip and we still enjoyed the place.  You can walk to the beach from the hotel, they have a swimming pool, they have board games which you can borrow…or you can just sit and relax




The hallways on our floor ( 2nd floor ) 


Our room 


The view from the La Playa restaurant – that is the beach and where the wedding venue was


They served us buffet lunch as we were a big group – the food at their restaurant is coffee shop style, not a long menu but the food was very decent and good.  I brought a few snacks with me but realized I should have brought more as there are no stores in the island to buy and if ever you find snacks in the small stores, they cost 3 to 5 times the price plus they do not have much variety.  So try to bring some on your trip.



Previous Entry:  Sun Cruises August 20, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009 

website:  Corregidor Philippines 


Activities around the island – simple fun with nature


Previous Entries: Sun Cruises August 20, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009

Touring Corregidor, Part 2 August 23, 2009 


Touring Corregidor, Part 1

By | Arts and Culture, Travel | One Comment

As soon as we arrived in Corregidor, trolleys were waiting for us and we immediately started our tour of the island.  I thought it was great fun being together with a big group.  Our ferry from Manila was chartered since they had to arrange a trip just for us so we, all wedding guests, were all together.   There are no inhabitants in the island except for the people who work for the hotel and the tourist spots.  So you can imagine the peace and quiet.  I love it!  If Subic has no pollution, what more Corregidor. 

And again, just like Heart2Heart always says, each place has its own beauty and charm.  Don’t go to Corregidor and expect to have the same kind of fun you had in Boracay!  You go to Corregidor to see and witness history- to learn and to actually see where history took place many years ago.  Expect to see ruins and just simply nature which for me is beautiful on its own.  Expect it to be a place where you will see no stores to go shopping, no restaurants to choose from – you just go there to experience what the island really is….and I hope they maintain it this way rather than commercialize it too much or else it will lose its real beauty.. I will definitely do this all over agin and bring my children for them to appreciate


 Related Entries:

 Sun Cruises August 20, 2009

Touring Corregidor, Part 1 August 21, 2009

Corregidor Inn August 22, 2009



Sun Cruises

By | Travel | 6 Comments

We recently came from Corregidor to attend a friend’s wedding and we took Sun Cruises which offered a nice package which included the ferry boat to take us there, to the tours and with accomodation.  Just be sure to check the weather before you ride boats during the typhoon season ( From June to October )

You can go for the day to do the tours, but we stayed overnight because of our friend’s wedding and I personally was very happy to have been able to stay and relax in the beautiful and peaceful island.mark-neng0004.jpg


 The boat is airconditioned and very decent



website:  Sun Cruises

 Related Entries:

Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009

Corregidor Inn August 22, 2009

 Touring Corregidor Part 2 August 23, 2009


Exercising at the CCP

By | Arts and Culture, Health and Fitness | No Comments

We were passing by the Cultural Center of the Philippines at around 7:00 am on a Sunday morning and were pleasantly suprised to see many people jogging and walking around the driveway.  And right beside it is a park and there were people exercising as well – either on their own or together with an exercise class being conducted in the same location. ( I could not really take closer photos as the car was moving )

