Monthly Archives: December 2008

Belenisimo sa Tarlac 2008

By | Christmas, Travel | One Comment

 Congratulations once again to Tita Isabel and Isa for another wonderful display of Belens!  Now on it’s second year!

Previous Entry:  Belenismo sa Tarlac December 12, 2007 

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FIRST PLACE in the DIORAMAS category 

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 GRAND – MUNICIPAL – 1st Place VICTORIA-  This Belen had live characters in it with dancers and instruments

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GRAND- Municipal – 4th Place – VICTORIA 


GRAND Non Municipal – 1st Place TARLAC PNP – Tita Isabel and Isa’s Belen made together with the PNPbelenismo-2008-25.jpg dsc_6550.JPGdsc_6519.JPG dsc_6521.JPG

Grand Non -Municipal 2nd Place Our Lady of Remedies Parish




Monumental 3rd Place Coco Grill Express Restaurant



They made the figures look like it was made of CAPIZ.  We travelled almost near Baguio to see this  belenismo-2008-13.jpgbelenismo-2008-14.jpg



Article taken from  yahoonewsphil.jpgphilstarbelenismocaption.jpgbelenismo-in-full-bloom.jpg



Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

By | Christmas | 5 Comments

 We always enjoy celebrating with Dad and Mom.  Sometimes we take it for granted and just come as guests…. I can’t begin to imagine what preparation they went through to have Christmas lunch with the family.  It was a Santa theme lunch!

And WOW!! Santa really did come to town! 



We started off with a mass by Father Tito Caluag 


Then the Glee Club of San Juan Nepomuceno School from Malibay, Pasay City, came over and did some carolling for the family.  They are one of the Apostolate schools of the religious of the Assumption




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Food catered by Kai.  And finally a photo of the chef, Chef Gilbert Pangilinan 


Dessert spread- a compilation of all the christmas goodies from friends 🙂 


Celebrated the Birthday of Lola Glecy, Mio and Mishcka 


And everyone received gifts from Santa  



Christmas at Educare

By | Christmas, Educare | One Comment

Last December 20, Educare gave out 300 gift bags for the daycare center children.  It was a simple gift giving event.  Thank you to all those who donated in cash and in kind.  Thank you to my family for helping give out the gifts

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Tito Serge & Tita Bettina Osmeña

Art and Jane Osmeña

Anton, Nina, Nikki and Isabel Huang 

Sandie Squillantini 

Hindy Tantoco 



Little Apprentice

By | For kids, Giving Back, What's New at Starbucks? | 6 Comments

Last November 27 and 28, 2008, the Transition Class of The Young Learners Collaborative ( YLC )  had a Food Fair. The fair was a culminating activity on the topic “Little Apprentice”. YLC is a school owned and operated by my friend, Tricia Eusebio-Hosaka together with Gina Gloria and Anette Del Rosario.  


The idea was to cook and sell snacks to all the students of YLC and the proceeds of the fair will go to a foundation


Previous Entry:   Young Learners Collaborative Summer Program 2008 March 6, 2008



They declared a “NO BAON DAY” so that all the kids, parents and teachers could purchase snacks from the Transition Class.



The students were able to raise the amount of  Php 5722.55 which they wanted to donate to the Starbucks foundation:”Spark Hope”.


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So, Heart2Heart arranged a meeting for the YLC children and a Starbucks branch near the

school, Tomas Morato branch, last December 17, so the  students could personally donate the money. They requested that a representative from UNICEF be there  to explain to the students where their donation will go to.  What a great idea Tricia!! Thank you for choosing Spark Hope!  Tricia told me that Starbucks matched their donation that day…







12 Angels

By | Christmas | 3 Comments

When I visited Rachelle in her place, she told me a nice story about her 12 angels.  It was such a sweet gesture by her husband so I asked her to share her story with Heart2Heart 


When my husband & I were engaged, I used to collect angels.  I saw them at a gift shop and liked them and told him.  He apparently saw them too and thought of me even before I told him I liked them.  He then would give me the angels as a surprise for the 12 days of Christmas which they (his Swiss family) observe.  Everyday, I would find the angel unexpectedly, in my bag, in my office drawer, etc.  For 12 days, he surprised me with an angel until the whole collection was complete.  Oh and yeah, before I received the 1st angel, I went to the gift shop and the angels were sold, not knowing he bought them already for me! dsc_3529.JPG 


Cynthia’s Christmas

By | Christmas | No Comments

The cousins normally meet up in Polo Club for Christmas get together, but this year, Cynthia prepared everything in her house.  Thank you Cynthia for hosting! 



We had our lunch at Cynthia’s garage and all the food was homemade by Cynthia’s Kitchen 🙂 

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Orange seemed to be the color of the day…so I made sure I took a photo of the “orange people” 🙂 


The kids 

