When in Japan, we do mostly window shopping and you cannot imagine how much our eyes buy by just looking at all the many things to see. Japanese really spend a lot on packaging and presentation. In the department stores, there is one or two floors of food in their basement. And WOW! The food just looks all so YUMMY! For Philippine standards, their products are expensive but to them, it does not seem so. It is always jam packed with people…
Their pastries always look so pretty and so good to eat!! and with all that FRESH FRUITS!
Bakeries like these are all over Japan and they have a great selection of breads…
This looks like a flat bread with cheese! Looks YUMMY!!
And many food to go counters…
UNAGI ( Eel)
There was a long line going around the escalator – really long line! I went to see what they were lining up for and it was this! I wonder what it is. It looks like a Brazo de Mercedez? It looks like cream inside a roll…I was so curious what it was but had no time to line up! The line seemed to never end
These are our favorite Yoku Moku rolled cookies- it is like lenguas de gato but rolled. Then this Almond leaf – it is a crispy cracker with sugar and almonds on it! YUMMY!!!!
OH MY GOSH!! FROZEN YOGURT!!!! Of course we had to get some! This was a gelateria and yogurt place so they were selling also gelato
Interesting frozen yogurt!!! with fresh fruits and then syrup lined on the sides
And WOW!!! Look how they display their fresh vegetables!!!! It’s a work of art!!!! And the vegetables are so nicely packaged and you won’t see a single speck of dirt on them! They look so perfect!
And their seafood and meat section…also WOW!!!
Look at those gigantic crab legs!
Sashimi to go- looks soooo fresh!
Great pics Rica! Yes, the food is so fresh especially in winter time. That Mon Chou Chou looks interesting!!
Mykie, please ask Keiko what it is and why the Japanese are lining up for it 🙂
I wish I had more time to go all around all the food halls!! I just love window shopping in Japan!
wah!!!! i am so overwhelmed!
[…] loves foodhalls especially the Japanese foodhalls in the basement of their department stores ( Mitsukoshi Food Hall January 13, 2009) . In London, Harrods foodhall and in Australia, I made sure to take a peek at the David Jones […]