Culinary Team Pilipinas 2009 – Final Practice

Thanks Jay for inviting me to witness a great culinary experience!  I truly enjoyed and appreciated it.  

Heart2Heart is so proud to feature the Culinary Team Pilipinas ( Les Toque Blanches Culinary Team Pilipinas 2009 – April 13, 2009) who will represent our country this May 9 in Hong Kong at the Gourmet Team Challenge Competition.   This is another proof that Filipinos are very creative and very talented.  And thanks to the vision and hard work of Les Toque Blanches, they managed to get sponsors to support them to be able to compete internationally.  

GOOD LUCK to the Philippine team!!!  We are so proud of you!!12af831e93_ltbheader.jpg

Two years ago when they first joined, the team won as Champions.  In between 2007 and now, they have joined 15 competitions and won 14 out of the 15. They will be a team of 14 going to Hong Kong bringing with them 500 plus kilos of equipment for the set up.  They will be using the Hong Kong Disneyland kitchen as their commissary to prepare and will be buying all their ingredients fresh from Hong Kong. ltbculinary-team-filipinaswebsite.jpg

I asked Jay if I could come early to take them in action.  Apparently, they have been preparing for 24 hours already and they were just doing the last minute touches and set up.  This is already their 5th and final practice


Before opening the doors, the whole team gathers and scrutinizes their work…It is a serious matter! les-toque-blanch-8.jpg

Jay always stresses to me that it is a TEAM EFFORT and everyone contributes in coming up with their finished product 


Mike Aguas helps in the theme and setting up by using renewable and recyclable materials les-toque-blanch-9.jpgles-toque-blanch-10.jpgles-toque-blanch-11.jpgles-toque-blanch-12.jpgles-toque-blanch-13.jpgles-toque-blanch-14.jpgles-toque-blanch-15.jpgles-toque-blanch-16.jpgles-toque-blanch-17.jpgdsc_4440.JPGles-toque-blanch-18.jpgles-toque-blanch-19.jpgles-toque-blanch-20.jpgles-toque-blanch-21.jpgles-toque-blanch-22.jpgles-toque-blanch-23.jpgles-toque-blanch-24.jpgles-toque-blanch-25.jpgles-toque-blanch-26.jpgles-toque-blanch-27.jpgles-toque-blanch-28.jpgles-toque-blanch-29.jpgles-toque-blanch-30.jpgles-toque-blanch-31.jpgles-toque-blanch-32.jpgles-toque-blanch-33.jpgles-toque-blanch-34.jpgles-toque-blanch-35.jpgltbsponsors.JPG 



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