Ice Cream Sundae Bar

We are so lucky that every Sunday lunch, Tina “Martha Stewart” brings chocolates or some dessert over even if it is not her turn! 🙂 This time she brought over a whole ice cream sundae bar!!! WOW!! Of course, everyone got excited again!sundaebartina.JPG

 Belle France ice cream from Rustan’s supermarket…YUMMY!


I was able to take photos of a few bowls of sundaes…only because the others ate theirs so fast! 

James’ concoction


Jaime’s concoction 


Ramon’s concoction 




  • Iya Yotoko says:

    Hi there. What a fun idea. Where did Tina get the Hershey’s Caramel Syrup? S&R used to carry Hershey’s Dulce de Leche syrup but they no longer have it. Is the Caramel available at Rustan’s?

  • tata says:

    manang!!! did javier take part in this? hahahaha i gotta work extra hard if this happens every sunday! hahaha

  • Rica says:

    Hi Iya, the Caramel syrup is from S & R 🙂
    Hi Tata!! Of course Javier took part in the Sundae bar!! 🙂 Yes, please make sure he gets his exercise in school! haha!!

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