Rina invited me over to join the despedida for Tita Mercy ( Mercy Tuason July 20, 2009 ) . It was so nice to be surrounded by this group – the Bridge group from London. We all squeezed in the table and they were all very happy and enjoying each other….eating together….I want my friendships to be this way 20 to 30 years from now!
What we had for lunch…. I particularly remember the adobo ( the dish which looks like a stew and has potatoes ) Pocholo brought and shared with us, yummy!!!
Sabroso Lechon!
Madeline gave everyone a souvenir including me, hugging salt and pepper shakers
Hey! That’s my dad and his adobo! Could I have a copy of the picture?
That adobo was really good!!! Can you ask for the recipe form your dad?