Paey’s Housewarming and Christmas Dinner

Thanks to our friend, Paey,  for inviting us to his new home and for a wonderful christmas dinner.   And for all the single ladies out there, Paey is a very very nice guy, a Stanford graduate, a hardworking Executive Director at AIG, still a bachelor…. living all alone….in a big house….hmmmm 🙂 We are so lucky to be his friend! 🙂


Delicious dinner by Monique Santos ( September Mothers Club Part 2 French Bistro by Monique Santos Sept. 15, 2008  )  




One Comment

  • James O. de Jesus says:

    As I told Paey. Worth the wait!

    Paey, don’t forget to give me a call when the outdoor Jacuzzi needs testing :-))

    Great food. I loved the Prime Rib. It took me one week to burn it off on the treadmill.

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