Condura Run 2010 Run for the Dolphins by Ton Concepcion

Congratulations once again to my friend, Ton, on his 3rd marathon. From 2,500 ( 2008 )  to 6,000 ( 2009 )  to now 8,500 runners!  

Ton, if you run for President in the future, I will not be surprised!  And you can count on us to support you always! 13553_190971594065_567159065_3876382_2982998_n.jpg19646_305774959065_567159065_4524895_6943709_n.jpg19646_318849309065_567159065_4572110_1873178_n.jpg

 Previous Entries:

 Condura Run 2010 Run for the Dolphins January 15, 2010

Condura Run 2009 by Ton Concepcion  March 27, 2009 

Condura Run February 21, 2009 

 Race for Tubbataha March 3, 2008

A Race to Save the Reef – Condura Race for Tubbataha Feb. 16, 2008 

The race kit


This time, I wanted to cover the event differently, instead of waiting in the finish line, I wanted to be on the skyway and take photos of the 21k and 42k runners. I woke up at 2:30 am to get to the Fort to look for Ton to find out how to get to the skyway


Ton was not in sight so by 3:30am I just decided to go to the skyway myself and just try my luck. Ton told me that I needed to be in the skyway by 4am


I got to the skyway


and this guy, Paul, approached me when my car dropped me at the toll booth.  My car could not enter so it was just me


He was kind enough and got approval to let me join them and stay with them…

Sometimes we take for granted the people who do all the preparation and hard work in planning for the race..Thanks to the Condura team for all your work!


so from around 4 am to 5am we were just waiting for the runners to come


We got so excited when we saw some runners approaching already! This was our first sighting


It had been an hour since the start for the 42k runners


The first runners to pass and leading the pack


Paul told me that this guy is the oldest runner in the race- If I remember correctly he said 83 years old!!! WOW!!!! and he was one of the first runners in the lead and he was doing the 42k!!!!!!



Starting to get some light and more runners on the skyway….


Jim, for some reason, I can never get a shot of you- you run too fast!! 🙂


More light…..


And finally I see Ton on a motorcycle! He had come from the end of the track and on his way back already



Of course I could not miss Tessa coming! And she has many poses.  She is the only one that stopped and posed for me many times so she has plenty photos 🙂





By around 6:30 am, I had to leave the skyway to catch my husband and son who should be in the finish line 


Click on the photo below to see the results:





  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Excellent coverage Rica! Congratulations to your friend Ton! Still have to get bitten by the track bug! 🙂

  • Jim says:

    That’s because i have a secret carbo loading technique 🙂 Could also be that when i’m burning the carbs, people around me get a little tipsy 🙂 Thanks Rica.

  • i did the 10 k for the first time and flew from cebu just to attend the event….yes the saying is so true…when you cross the finish line it will change your life….and the quote that says the miracle isnt that I finished, the miracle is that i had the couraged to start……it cost me my airfare to manila , registration and other expenses but the experience was priceless!!!! great!!!!

  • Blue says:

    I want to join a marathon someday, nice pictures you have there 🙂

    Oh and that cat in the picture! He’s (she?) so well-behaved (and fluffy! cuteness)! I know they’re not outdoorsy and don’t like strangers much, that’s why I’m surprised the owner’s able to bring him out.

  • Tessa Valdes says:

    I love your photos and all the comments!!! And yes I will always stop to pose for you! So sad you didn’t make it to our super saya Chinese New Year’s party. Hope you’ll be free for the next soiree in my house! Happy weekend!!!

  • Larry Ocampo
    Enjoyed your pics and commentary Rica, thanks! Wow you were up really early for these photos!

    Bea Lopez Puno
    Yay I have proof that I ran on the skyway. Thanks, Rica next time I’ll stop to pose.
    7 hours ago ·

  • rica
    – i love the way you wrote the blog – because the focus was on the volunteers and of course the runners doing their amazing feats
    i also loved the way you narrated the story through the inspirational signs

    you really captured what the condura run is all about
    i always say it every year but it is true – and that is – you have been part of this race from day 1 and have made it grow into what it is today.

    the condura run is really about the runners – their perseverance, dedication, commitment is truly inspiring – they are the start, they are the champions. this is their moment of glory – that is what i wanted to capture for this years race

    also also…the marching orders for the condura volunteers is to make runners feel the LOVE.

    unfortunately, they are the ones that are not noticed or given credit …so im am so happy with your blog that you were able to be one with them during that special moment – thanks for acknowledging them. they will be so happy

    thanks again Rica ! thanks for all the support from day 1

  • tita tess says:

    great shots Rica….. Wow 2:30 am , your so matiaga. I was there too but did the 5k lang. IS james doing the Century Tuna run? or United?

  • […] Condura Run began at 2008 under Concepcion Durables President Ton Concepcion. He started the run because of his love for running and the marine environment. The first run was […]

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