Birthday Diary

This is how I spent my day…..

12 midnight 

My three boys had a countdown, so at exactly 12 midnight, they greeted me. Chef Javs ( Chef Javs Feb 27, 2010) made banana turon as his cake for me 🙂


and he made sure I read his birthday card first before opening the gift


THANK YOU!!! I need this!!!


8:30 am  Wake up and open email greetings and facebook greetings 🙂

10:30 am Brunch at Mr. Jones with my family ( Mr. Jones April 25, 2010 )


12 noon  Open emails and facebook greetings again 🙂

1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

 Stay home with my three boys 🙂 I requested that I wanted to just stay home.  What for do I have to go out of town or go somewhere when I can just stay in our cozy home and be with the people I love? So I told them, we will open all the aircons ( which is a luxury in our house because the kids know they cannot open the aircon without permission ) in the house and feel like we are in a hotel or some cold country 🙂  That way we will all enjoy hanging out in the house and I will be happy having them near me 🙂  while I RELAXED, REFRESHED and had my afternoon spa ( Total Therapy December 10, 2009 ) without having to leave my house!


with my favorite therapist, Bising


and had a Peppermint Foot spa and a body scrub to feel new and fresh  and start another year of life 🙂


5:30 pm Go to Church to hear mass

6:30 pm Dinner at the favorite Ramen place ( Ukkokei Ramen Ron March 18, 2009 ) of everyone except I watched them enjoy their Ramen as I was happy just being with them 🙂



And Happy Birthday to family and friends who share the same special day 🙂 It’s amazing how many I know! Happy Birthday to us!

My brother, Jun Jun 


My Cousin, Edward


My cousin in law, Trisha


My friend, Carlo


another friend, Gabby


and another friend, Mons


and Mr. Price 🙂


and I thought I was unique! haha!! And not to mention other friends with the same name! So consider it your birthday too 🙂

Rica Tamesis- Trota


Rica Ferry-Tantuico


Rica Concepcion-Araneta


Thanks everyone for all the blessings and greetings and for making this day a special day! GOD IS SO GOOD!



  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Happy BIrthday Rica! All the best! 🙂 Much love!

  • jenny de jesus says:

    Happy Birthday Rica! Wishing you all the best.
    from, raul , jenny and mia 🙂

  • Hindy says:

    what a great birthday!! happy birthday, rics! you’re still one of a kind!

  • Rica Trota says:

    Thanks for sharing all your experiences! I really look forward to reading your blogs! Again Happy Happy Birthday to a truly wonderful person with a beautiful name! 😉 May God continue to shower you with many many more blessings!

  • Bea says:

    Awesome birthday indeed! Javier is soooo cute! Happy Birthday M. Rics!

  • Nenette says:

    Happy birthday, Rica. I’m just one of your blog readers but reading your posts every day makes me feel like I know you. 🙂

  • Rica says:

    Thanks Tricia, Raul, Jenny and Mia!!
    Thanks Hinds!! Hopefully 🙂
    Thanks tukayo, Rica 🙂
    Thank Bey!
    Thanks Nenetter for viewing H2H daily 🙂

  • Ed says:

    Very nice description of your day. Seeing myself as well as the other 24s was fun too. Your dad texted me while I was enjoying dinner with my mom. Day just flew by . My birthday lunch companion was Danni which I always enjoy .

  • brenda says:

    chef javier! super cute talaga!!!.. sooo sweet like the mom!

  • len says:

    Happy Birthday Ms. Rica!

    I wish you love, good health, luck and more blesssings.

    I always find time to read your blog everyday :-). Thank you for sharing your experiences – I learn a lot of new things from you.

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