Homecooked Dinner at Raymond and Margie’s

By October 8, 2010 Foodie 3 Comments

I will never refuse a meal cooked by my good friend Margie.  When she told me we would have dinner, I asked her ” WHEN?” Not only did I force her to push through with it, I told her to cook thai 🙂  Margie told me that every night she cooks the meal for her family….so I told her to just include us every night as well 🙂

And one of these days, I hope you will open a restaurant…the one we have been talking about!   


We had a nice meal, a fun evening of course – Margie letting us listen to her eldest son sing!

Here are videos from youtube of Ryan who wants to be a singer in America! GO! GO! GO!



Afterwhich she told us stories about herself and as usual, not only me, everyone could not stop laughing.  HILARIOUS! I could listen to her all day and always be happy! 


Previous Entries:

November Mother’s Club Christmas Preparations November 28, 2007 

Margarita’s Paella of the Century May 31, 2008

Margie’s Birthday Lunch April 26, 2009

Merienda with Margie September 25, 2010




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