Someone who knows a considerable amount on gift giving and the etiquette thereof is the petite, forthcoming and classy Gemma Guerrero. She brings a combination of sophistication, style and smarts to 3DMe, the business that she manages with her British husband and a dedicated team of Filipinos. In a nutshell, 3DMe is the only worldwide company that possesses the technology to convert any picture into a 3D image on the spot. The company has offices in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. With her devoted team of countrymen, including her manufacturing partners from Hong Kong, 3DMe Manila has already started to make an impact with its growing list of offerings. The company is comprised of people who are highly experienced in 3D software and lenticular technology, R&D, product tooling and testing, in-depth management, business development, and global marketing. The end result? A lovely and creative photo that makes the perfect, touching, inspired and personalized gift.

3DMe is the only worldwide company that possesses the technology to convert any picture into a 3D image on the spot. The company has offices in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. With her devoted team of countrymen, including her manufacturing partners from Hong Kong, 3DMe Manila has already started to make an impact with its growing list of offerings. The company is comprised of people who are highly experienced in 3D software and lenticular technology, R&D, product tooling and testing, in-depth management, business development, and global marketing.

The end result? A lovely and creative photo that makes the perfect, touching, inspired and personalized gift.

3DMe has several accessories in which to house that 3D image, making the act of gift-giving incredibly simple. For that mother who is endlessly devoted to her family, a keychain with a 3D image of her loved ones is something that she can bring with her as she goes about her busy day, a lovely reminder of the people that inspire her most.
For that jet-setter whose time is spent at luggage carousels, a luggage tag attached to their check-in valise with a 3D image of themselves at their favorite monument, landmark or Wonder of the World will make that airport sojourn seem so much shorter.

For that independent young woman of the world, who has recently bought herself her own condominium – a lovely photo frame encasing a 3D image of her with her best friends at the beach will sit on top of her coffee table next to her favorite home accessories, proudly showing off her fun personality. The gift is innovative, personalized, and shows the recipient that the giver really does care – care enough to offer something fun, different and incredibly stylish.

Gemma adds, “In this digital age, people love to personalize content. Why not in 3D?” After all, we are all social networking fiends – we tag on Facebook, we tweet about our busy days, we post on YouTube, we sell our stuff on Multiply. The world has become our digital oyster, and very soon the trend will be posting content in 3D for that extra kick. 3DMe can even take instant photographs of people, and send these straight to their Facebook accounts for instantaneous, real-time coverage in technologically advanced formats.
What makes Gemma particularly proud of 3DMe is that talent behind it. The combination of cutting-edge photo technology and Filipino talent “work behind the scenes to make 3DMe an international brand!” she exclaims with nationalistic pride. It is, after all, worthy to note that Filipinos are some of the most passionate and creative people worldwide – and now, thanks to 3DMe and Gemma’s efforts, those Filipinos will get the accolades that they deserve for the brilliant brain power and characteristically passionate Pinoy work ethic that they put into their jobs, day after day. In spite of 3DMe being an international brand with presence in Asia, the UAE, Europe and North America, it has Filipino roots, is Filipino run, and is Filipino supported!
There is no doubt that receiving photos, especially ones as technologically advanced as 3D-rendered ones, is always a pleasure. The best part about 3DMe is that you don’t have to brave crowded parking lots, stand in line at cashier registers, and you’re assured that the recipient will fully appreciate such a thoughtful gift!

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