Summer is coming up and Heart2Heart is very excited to start with this very interesting workshop by my very pretty and graceful friend, Pauli. I wish there were workshops like these when I was a kid.
Enroll your kids now!
Greetings from Etiquette de Manille!
We are pleased to announce our 2012 Summer Workshops to develop your child’s confidence in school, at home, and in many other situations.
Silver Etiquette Workshop for Children
Gold Etiquette Workshop for Teens
Etiquette de Manille offers a comprehensive program of corporate etiquette and international protocol training, as well as children’s etiquette instruction. We conduct life-changing, confidence-building leadership programs for corporations, universities, public and private schools, and individuals.
Below is the outline of a four-day program filled with fun and lots of learning this Summer!
Day 1. Proper Visual Poise
Day 2. Practical Wardrobe for the Right Occasion
Day 3. Table Etiquette and Dining Manners
Day 4. Graduation
Attached please find a tea-menu of the topics for each workshop and a profile of Etiquette de Manille.
“Etiquette de Manille believes that children will develop polished social skills, a sense of decorum, a keen regard for others when they discover situational etiquette and practice them in an enjoyable setting”
~Pauli Antoinette
Start Date
March 26, 2012
Finish Date
March 29, 2012
Workshop Hours
2012 Silver Etiquette Workshop for Children (Boys and Girls ages 5-12)
The workshop will run from Monday to Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. There are a total of eight sessions for the entire duration of the workshop.
2012 Gold Etiquette Workshop for Teens (Boys and Girls ages 13-above)
The workshop will run from Monday to Thursday, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30p.m. There are a total of eight sessions for the entire duration of the workshop.
Workshop Venue
The Penthouse Function Room, Antel Platinum Tower, # 154 Valero Street, Salcedo Village, Makati City (Near Citibank)
Format per Class/ Day
First session: How’s and Why’s of Etiquette
Snack break: 15 minutes
Second session: Practical and Situational Applications/ One-on-One Coaching
Investment Fare | For early birds
PhP 3,000
Policy on cancellation of classes due to bad weather
In case of bad weather, the session will be cancelled and will be rescheduled on another date
Dress Code
Wear casual to smart casual wear. Slippers and sleeveless attire is not allowed.
Things to Bring
1. Water tumbler
2. Snacks
3. On the 2nd day and 3rd Day, the child has to bring three sets of clothes and accessories (Casual, Sporty and Formal) for the Wardrobe Class.
Guardians or Parents are encouraged to be present during the workshop.
Presenter: Pauli Antoinette Porquez-Genuino is the Founder and President of Etiquette de Manille with more than 15 years of hospitality experience in the hotel and airline industries.
Her training modules for children and young adults motivate them to improve on their personality and over-all image. Her expertise in coaching has inspired individuals in the way they carry themselves, act and project to the outside world, giving them confidence, creating more satisfaction in their lives and improving their businesses.
P a u l i A n t o i n e t t e
Pauli Antoinette Porquez-Genuino
Founder and President Etiquette de Manille
Etiquette . Service Etiquette . Protocol . Social Graces . Visual Styling . Corporate Imaging .
Suite 1904, Antel Platinum Tower, #154 Valero St. Salcedo, Makati City, Phils.
Etiquette de Manille Training Services
0917 8000 572
(Current) Contributor, Redefining Service Etiquette and Protocol F & B World Magazine
(Current) Trainer and Image Consultant John Robert Powers Manila International
CAS, Center for Aesthetic Studies (Current) Trainer and Image Consultant

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