Happy Birthday to My Fab Mom

By November 19, 2012 Fashion, Tributes 9 Comments

Last year I had a tribute to my Mom on her birthday posting old photos of her

Previous entry:  Menchu November 20, 2011


This year, I am showing updated photos of my Mom 40 to 50 years after!  And she still looks amazing!! Happy Birthday to my Fab Mom!!!  That is what everyone says whenever I have photos of my Mom in my website!!  And no miss whenever we are out, we always hear compliments from strangers – whether it is her glasses, her accessories, her coat, her bag or her shoe. Many think that me and my sister with mom are sisters 🙂


And this is probably her face when she sees this surprise post!  🙂  


But truly my Mom is super FAB!  She is almost 70 years old and she still looks so young and so fashionable!!  Whether she is at work, in the beach, at a dinner or at a party, in the airport – she is always at her best! I love you Mom!









  • bing limson salvador says:

    your Mom is really fabulous! she knows how to mix and match everything …. her bags, her glasses and outfits. thanks for sharing heart2heart and happy birthday to your dearest Mom! 🙂

  • josie says:

    The one and only Inday Menchu 🙂 Fashionable in everything… her look, the food she perpared, the table settings, kahit suitcases na dadalhin for a trip kailangan mix and match… Happy Birthday Inday Menchu!

  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Happy Birthday Tita Menchu!!

  • len tugado-bico says:

    Ms. Rica, please extend my warmest birthday wishes to Mrs. MTL. She really looks fabulous and truly fashionable. Everything just looks so well put together. Thank you for continuously sharing heart to hear to us. Your blog just makes me happy everyday 🙂

  • Rica, really great pictures of your MOM in her truly fab and colorful attires no matter the occasion.

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MENCHU, forever young and fun at heart! XOXO!

  • Etniko says:

    Ma’am , MTL is still pretty as ever , as if turning back the time . Happy Birthday Ma’am.
    from Etniko

  • Bettina Osmena says:

    Happy birthday Menchu ! One of the nicest ladies in town

  • Atomic says:

    Belated Happy Birthday dear Menchu!

  • Karla silva says:

    Your mom should be on a best-dressed list 🙂

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