Visiting Lola Charing

I enjoy visiting my Lolo and I also enjoy visiting my Lola!  And I believe that if there is one thing that keeps my Lolo and Lola strong is because all the family members love and watch over them!!  

She doesn’t like me taking her photo, but of course she cannot stop me because she loves me 🙂  Here is my beautiful Lola with my cousin Ana who really takes care of my Lola!  She is amazing!  I would hire her to do this for me, but really the time she spends is truly a labor of love and is priceless!


My cousin Gogs was there too!  of course because he lives with her 🙂


My Lola has so many witty quotes just like my Lolo!  She is so funny!


Ana is an expert at organizing and making signs and laminating them

Previous entry:  Getting Organized May 16, 2007 

She made all these signs around the room of Lola to remind her of the things she has to do to take care of herself.  My Lola is 93 years old and she is very independent and very sharp!  But look at these cute signs Ana put around her room 🙂

Previous entry:  Emergency Hotlines August 12, 2012 


Lola can never say no to her favorite great grandson, Matthew 🙂  Which explains this reminder sign


Cute!  Another favorite great grandson, Andrew ( brother of Matthew )


Ana really takes care of Lola so she knows everything that Lola has and does – We love you Ans for taking care of Lola’s daily needs


More laminated signs made by Ana for Lola and for everyone – medicines, contact numbers of everyone who she might need to call, medical reminders etc etc


Photo of Lola and her bestfriends – her sisters!! CUTE!! They love each other, they are inseparable!


Oh my gosh!! Ana, what’s that!??  Apparently, Ana got Lolas clothes and labelled them all!


Vintage Criselda for Rustan’s blouse!! I love it!


Not only the clothes are labelled


but every single piece of item that is Lola’s is labelled by Ana


Wow! that’s a lot of labels, but believe me Lola has a lot of clothes 🙂 She keeps them all!


Look how organized Ana is – she put everything in organizers and stored inside Lola’s beautiful trunk


Then Ana comes up with another basket of stuff!!! Listen to Lola’s reaction to her 🙂  so funny!


Ana got Lola a thermos for her water so she can put it beside her bed and it will keep cold in this thermos


Ana brought all her materials because she is going to organize Lola’s fashion jewelry.  Funny girl!  


With matching cutter 🙂  Lola’s reaction so funny again


Here are some artworks and photos by the great grandkids displayed all around her room


Oh my gosh!!!  She labelled all the things of Lola in her closet!!


Lola’s stock of her favorite skin care – Clarins!! The secret to her young and beautiful skin 🙂


Medical stuff and papers all organized in the closet for Lola and for other family members- it makes it easier to find things in her room!  AMAZING!!!


Wow, I can imagine how beautiful those vintage Spanish fans are


Ana brings for her ice cream :-)Lola loves chocolate!!


We all love Lola’s stash of junkfood and chocolates!! Take note, also labelled in her room  


Ana organizing the clothes of Lola in her dressing room.  Lola again with her witty remarks 🙂


We got an Ipad for Lola on her birthday before and Ana even organizes it for her!!! Photos, IDs, medical records, etc etc!!

Previous entry:  Our Birthday Gift for Lola December 18, 2010 


At the end of the day, Lola really appreciates Ana and all that she does.  Lola always looks for her!! 🙂  Kapisan is bisaya meaning industrious or hard working 🙂





  • bing limson salvador says:

    your family has an unconditional love for your lola. she must truly have that kind heart for all of you.

  • Lita Z Garcia says:

    Rica , I remember your Lola during my Makati days. She looks gorgeous . Thanks for sharing .

  • Vida Estrella-Gallaga says:

    Rica I do remember your Lola looking so lovely as the photo you showed. Thank you for sharing.
    Merry Christmas to you and James and the kids that have already grown.

    Take care.


  • Heart2Heart says:

    Bing, that is very true 🙂
    Lita, that is great! I am sure you took care of her very well. Lola is beautiful inside and out 🙂
    VTE, Yes lovely indeed! 🙂 Merry Christmas to you!! I haven’t seen you in so long! God bless!

  • Sandra Sotto says:

    I love Ana too!!!!!! She is ever so thoughtful. She doesn’t forget to pray for my mother on her birthday and death anniversary and for my departed brothers as well. Ana is the brightest start atop every Christmas tree!

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