Thank you my dear friend, Michele, for inviting us and cooking for us! She is hilarious! Check out the apron! 🙂
Celebrating her new kitchen!!!! WOW!!!
Another view of the kitchen – That’s James waiting for the food to be served! haha
Down the kitchen is another room which she made into an office and wow, she had so many recipe books!!!!
Michele’s assistants! They always look so neat and clean! That is Michele’s training 🙂
I love opening the drawers 🙂
And refs 🙂 Michele has a ref just for her drinks – she enjoys having close friends over
More stash in the pantry
And the pantry! 🙂
Since we arrived the first, she was still cooking so I watched her
Our dinner spread 🙂 YUMMY!
Luigi and friends join us too for dinner
Happy to meet Johnyan the brother of Johnip
Previous entry: For Johnip and Anne by Patricia February 4, 2008
and Johnlu – Enjoyed his company and await my future feature on Johnyan 🙂
Thank you Michele! WE LOVE YOU!
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