Taipan at Tower Club Philamlife Building

I wanted to spend time one on one with my friend, Margie, so I invited her to lunch!  She was so busy singing and being sung to during her birthday 🙂  I wanted to catch up with her

Previous entry:  Margie’s 50th Birthday April 21, 2013 

 I was eating this while waiting for her since she insisted that Tower Club was in RCBC Plaza.  She was arguing with the people there and saying that Tower Club was on the top floor 🙂  Hilarious as usual

I was checking out the menus

This looked interesting, I chose two dishes from this menu


Deep Fried Shredded Garoupa with Strawberry – I just realized now that as I am writing this, the fish was not shredded. hmmmm….But anyway I always like trying unique dishes so I ordered this rather than the usual sweet and sour pork or Lemon chicken

I subconsciously like dishes that are fried!  Crispy wrapper with Mango and Scallops 

Margie on the other hand just wanted Dimsum so she ordered three dishes


Steamed Chicken feet which I did not touch 🙂 but is one of her favorites

Deep Fried Mashed Taro dumplings with seafood

Tofu Skin roll which was not on the menu but she managed to charm the waiter to have the chef make it and he did 🙂

As usual I was entertained by Margie.  She said the venue was very “STIP” ( stiff )  that is why she could not talk so loud and laugh aloud 🙂  But I am happy to get to know more of her everytime we meet    


I am amazed how she can be a mother of 4 boys!  I have only two and it’s driving me crazy 🙂



Oops, I forgot the 5th boy in Margie’s life! 🙂  




One Comment

  • Lita Z Garcia says:

    Down to earth story . The amazing bonding of friends . Reading between the lines , I giggle and remember my old dear friends ….thanks for sharing Rica ….

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