Mom’s Adobo

By July 10, 2013 Travel, Yummy! No Comments

As I was trying to be a good mom to my kids for a week during our vacation, staying in a house without any household staff, I realised that it is a very very tough job!  And just when I needed help, my Mom arrives!!!! What a relief!! I was not the only one happy, but the kids were crying with joy! haha!!  As soon as Mom arrived, we all went to the supermarket and one of the recipes Mom/Lola always cooks for us when we are travelling is adobo!    

She knows that we will all get hungry at some point and if there is adobo – it’s easy to heat and eat!   You can keep it and it tastes better as it gets older and we all love her adobo which she learned from her mom! 



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