Samantha Lopez Edwards

Remember my friend, Samantha?

Previous entry:  ILovepiNoy July 27, 2008 

Formerly known as Gracia when she was still in the Entertainment business.  She used to be a dancer and model

Endorser for Beverly Hills 6750 🙂

And now a happy wife based in New York married to Warren Edwards.  Here’s a photo of Warren with Sam’s good friend, Carmina Mapa del Rosario who used to work for him in his New York store


Warren Edwards the famous shoe brand


 Here’s another ad with their dogs, Nick and Nora


She has a beautiful daughter 🙂



Her latest hobby – Golf!  And I heard she is good at it!  Warren asked her to accompany him and play with him golf, and now she has become so good at it!


An updated photo of beautiful Sam


 And if you are ever in New York or want to buy property in the Big Apple, give Sam a call, she will gladly assist you! 🙂   



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