Tuesday Lunch

By September 3, 2013 Foodie, Tributes No Comments

For as long as I can remember, my Dad and one of his bestfriends, Tito Boni, have been seeing each other every week, every tuesday for lunch!  They call it Tuesday lunch 🙂  They are so cute and I admire them for what they have.  

They take turns choosing the restaurant to eat it.  After awhile, they were inviting the family to join – so whoever can make it – we join the lunch.  A few weeks ago, I was the only one who could make it 🙂     

Dad loves Kuretake and for a time and until now he chooses to come here and he used to have Chicken teriyaki every single time.  It’s a good thing that lately he has changed to having this set meal with grilled jaw

Previous entry:  Kuretake Dec. 6, 2010


My order 




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