Kani Doraku Tokyo

By January 19, 2014 Foodie, Travel No Comments

Back again to one of our favorite places – Kani Doraku!  The branch a block away from Dai Ichi hotel was full we could not reserve so we had to go to the branch in Shinjuku – they have two in Shinjuku which confused some of us

Previous entry:  Kani Doraku January 7, 2010 

The kids like the gratin

and croquettes which should be eaten with the sauce or else there’s not much taste

James ordered the grilled crab legs

Crab Sushikani-doraku-9.JPGkani-doraku-10.JPG

Crab tempura


The broth is made into soup!  They add rice and it’s so good

Our funny server 🙂  



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