Icebergs at Bondi Beach Part 2

 We are back!  A good reason to go to Bondi Beach since we do not really surf! 🙂

Previous entry:  Icebergs June 25, 2009 

Aside from great food, this time was memorable for us because we finally saw Cameron Diaz!  I took this since she was going the other direction from our table

Previous entry: Hotels in Sydney May 12, 2014  

 James was smarter to await her return and took this 🙂  

Our server

Javier says there are helicopters flying above to check on Bondi Beach for safety and security – watching out for sharks! 🙂  So these must be them

Finally LAMB!!!

Security guards of Cameron Diaz waiting outside the restaurant!  Spotted two photographers / paparazzis like me 🙂 waiting a bit far from the restaurant – they have their zoom lenses anyway 🙂  

Click below to go to their website



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