I am so used to just going on a trip and just following the plan! My Mom or my sister or a friend does it all and I just go and follow. But this trip was one trip where I really did all the planning!!! Now I realize and appreciate what my friends and family do every time there is a trip! 🙂
This all started in 2010 when my friend, Mig, mentioned to me that his family opened a place in Dumaguete and he was telling me to visit! I featured it though
Previous entry: Florentina Homes, Dumaguete May 12, 2011
I proposed it to the group back then but we did not pursue for many reasons
Then April last year, our friends, Ned and Janet, went and they had such a great time in Dumaguete
Then in May, I saw this!!! Juampi and Laura went to Sumilon and Oslob! And this is when I really decided to plan something and made it our family vacation
I asked for help from natives in Dumaguete – Sandra Teves, sister of my sister in law, Pam. They live in Dumaguete so what better way than to ask natives of the place 🙂

I also interviewed my batch mate , Marla, who was also just there.

She had a tour guide named Angelo Villanueva, who I heard is tons of fun – thats him in the bikini haha!! James knows him since he is a batch mate from San Agustin ( CSA )

but we had already hired the services of our own tour guide recommended by our friend, Ned. Meet Jac Senagan. He knows everything!! He can talk all day and tell you many stories about everything. All my questions are always answered. He’s such a great guy.

He is an all around guy- he snorkeled with us,

he helped us shop for our food in the market, he cooked and he spotted the dolphins for us.

Jac is a DOT ( Dept of Tourism ) accredited tour guide and birdwatcher.

He is connect with the provincial tourism office as the resident tour guide. If you want to hire Jac do contact him at ( 0906) 849-3390. We love Jac. We will never scrimp on having a tour guide wherever we go. It’s always nice to have a native with us to tell us things about the place, answer all our questions, take us to places where we want to go that is not in the itinerary 🙂 and just someone to guide us during out stay and we can call when we need something.
We covered two areas – Negros Oriental and Southern Cebu. We had two groups as well. The first group we were just two families and the other 3 families followed on the second part to Southern Cebu
I love this map of Negros Oriental. It shows how many things you can do here. This was taken from Florentina Homes. I wish I saw this before the trip, I only saw it when we got to Florentina Homes
Previous entry: Florentina Homes Dumaguete May 12, 2011

I worked with Jac on an itinerary – we worked on this for a month with so many revisions! I had to research and ask everyone above until we came up with this. And now I can officially call this the Heart2Heart Dumaguete Tour. Actually, people always say Dumaguete but Dumaguete is a very small city and a small part of Negros Oriental. There is much to explore and you will be going out of Dumaguete often to get to the different sites. Price may vary or change depending on your requirements or what you decide to do. We skipped Twin Lakes because the others were tired already from Bais and it was raining.
I recommend this tour – you can add more depending on how active you are. We were even thinking we could have slowed down the itinerary and made it more relaxing so we could see more things. So it is up to you to adjust faster pace or slower pace – and to add more sights. We did not even get to do Siquijor which is nice too and other waterfalls and lakes.

We focused on this part of the map

Another map from my friend, Marla

We said goodbye to Jac and we moved to Sumilon. On this part of the trip, I worked with the people from Bluewater who were very efficient, the owner Julia, Margie and Edna.

We came up with this itinerary. Again this can be adjusted depending on your pace. We wish we had more time 🙂

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