Another loyal member of the family who we all love!! Conchita! She’s been with the family since Sept. 12, 1960 ( she knows the date!) or 54 years! She was the assistant/Yaya of my Lola Glecy. She went wherever she went ( and that’s all over the world) , she would do the trusted duties assigned to her by Lola and she was the only one who could touch and fix Lola’s things. When Lola passed away in 1994, she still continued to stay and now still watches over Lolo and the family.
Lolo told her jokingly “dito ka na nagkamens ( menstruation) nagmenopause at nagkaold maid” haha!! 🙂
Conch told me that she enjoys working for the family and she’s crying telling me this. She specifically mentioned that she was so happy she reached Mt Makiling by helicopter and also met many important people because of my Lola. She’s grateful. Tomorrow she turns 73 – Happy Birthday Conch!! We love you!!

I don’t have really photos of Conch but I found this 🙂
She takes care of anything that is Lolo’s including the dog 🙂 Duke was given to Lolo as a gift and was still a puppy so Conchita took care of him like her baby

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