It was so nice to meet this lovely couple! Ricky and Sheryl Laudico
Ricky is part of the Sumo Sam Group which includes Raymond Magdaluyo and Marvin Agustin
They now have a total of 50 restaurants! Sumo Sam, Mr. Kurosawa, Dekada, Alqueria, John and Yoko, Previous entry: John and Yoko December 15, 2007
Balboa, Marciano’s, Akira, Banzai, Wolf and Fox & Teddy’s burgers!
Previous entry: Teddy’s Bigger Burgers September 15, 2014
Sheryl on the other hand has joined the company to help out in Marketing
Thanks to Gary and Alexie for introducing us to Ricky and Sheryl. We had a nice evening
We met up with Ricky and Sheryl in their latest place called Wolf & Fox in Bonifacio Global City
Ricky is the guy behind the concepts and the graphics of all the restaurants.
In Wolf & Fox, the characters are all animals wearing business attire 🙂
Ricky told me that the Wolf is characterised by the Richard Branson type of guy who is a businessman and goes for the basics. WS is the Fox who is a bit more adventurous and likes steak and burgers
So there are two menus in this place. One page is the Fox menu
And the other is the Wolf Menu 🙂
There is another menu which has photos and you will see that one side is the Fox menu and when you read it from the back and turn it around, it’s the Wolf Menu 🙂 How creative!
Super loved the Wolf Burger – U.S. Angus Burger
There is an ongoing collaboration with Hendrick’s where they made Special drinks specially for the Wolf & Fox
Zachary Connor de Git, Mixologist and Hendrick’s Gin Regional Brand Ambassador was there that evening and he was here for a few days to launch and train the people
One of their latest restaurants is Banzai where they have Teppanyaki buffet!! I have never seen a Teppayanki buffet and we will definitely go here to try it!
Next year, they will be opening Wolfgang Steakhouse in March!
Previous entry: Wolfgang Steakhouse June 16, 2008
Celebrating at Wolfgang Steakhouse New York City April 21, 2012
Hide Yamamoto in April ( Previous entry: Hide Yamamoto Marina Bay Sands May 5, 2011)and later on Benihana, 2 New Zealand Concepts – Shaky Aisles and Bedford Soda and Liquor and a 100 year old restaurant called Sandaine[email_link]
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