AC Batch Christmas Party 2014

By December 30, 2014 Christmas One Comment

Every year we have an Assumption batch Christmas party.  It’s a good thing others volunteer to organise it.  Last year our group did it

Previous entry:  How to Plan for A Batch Christmas Get Together Dec 6, 2013

 Surprise Christmas Program From the Assumption Ladies You Wish Were Single Dec 24, 2013AC Batch Christmas Party 2014A  Thank you To Jack and Margie for always opening their beautiful home to all of us AC Batch Christmas Party 2014B AC Batch Christmas Party 2014C AC Batch Christmas Party 2014D AC Batch Christmas Party 2014E  Potluck!! Everyone brought something to share 🙂  potluck food ac batch xmas party 2014AC Batch Christmas Party 2014F  We were happy to have Michele Periquet ( the sexy one in peach 🙂 )  over for Christmas! Thank you Karla Campos for organising ( in black to the right of Michele )AC Batch Christmas Party 2014G AC Batch Christmas Party 2014H AC Batch Christmas Party 2014I AC Batch Christmas Party 2014J AC Batch Christmas Party 2014K AC Batch Christmas Party 2014L AC Batch Christmas Party 2014M  Thank you Karla Campos for organising and for the gifts 🙂  AC Batch Christmas Party 2014N[email_link]

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