Another good recommendation by my brother Mike. We had lunch today at Mickey’s and the place was full. We met the owner of both Mickey’s and Lartizan. It is always nice to meet the owners, even if I just have to tell them what a great job they are doing. Johnlu Koa of Lartizan (French Baker) was even baking himself! They had this NO CRUST whole wheat bread which is perfect for me because I always remove that part. This is the first time I saw it being sold that way. All the breads of the deli are supplied by the bakery. They also bake the pizza in the bakery with the toppings coming from Mickey’s.The lady owner of Mickey’s did not want me to take her photo because she wanted her partner, Mickey to be in it too plus I forgot to ask her name. She was busy helping out…….. And it was good to know that she is a loyal shopper of Rustan’s Most of their deli items are homemade as Mickey, is a German master butcher. I had the Mickey’s Italian Burger and munched on each and everyone’s order. Everything was excellent! Mike was right when he said that the pizza crust was really good. It is made from fresh ciabatta bread by Lartizan. They had only one dessert and boy they really made sure that was all you should have….yummy!! What a great combination to have a bakery and deli.
144 Jupiter st. corner Orbit st., Bel-Air 2 Village Tel #: 899-6923
Congrats Rica!!!!! You always keep us abreast on the latest. Your photos are world class.
tita frannie
Hi Johnlu,
Great tasting Rye Bread and so was the Sourdough ! Will surely be a repeat customer. Congrats!
W-O-W!!! that looks so yummy!!!! will try it out too!!! i can almost smell the freshly baked goodies from your photos rics! great job!
Gee, I love this website especially the many food discoveries and trips. And the photos are excellent! I am here at Iligan City (Northern Mindanao) but i get to have a GOOD GLIMPSE of the good things in Manila. I will definitely spread this to my friends here so when we all take a vacation there , we know exactly where to find good food! Way to go!
the breads there are the best. the whole wheat croissant is so good.
Rics, I tried Mickeys na and it was good! Thanks for the tip!
Hallo Michael,
in Deutschland gab es einen großen Bericht über dein Restaurant in Manila. Wir können dir mit Bier helfen. Wir haben Bier (Weißbier) Bag in Box 25 l erfunden und sind Weltweit damit auf dem Markt.
Wir würden dich gerne mit Bier beliefern ohne das du Qualitätsverluste hast und Fasspfand bezahlen musst.
Über eine Rückmeldung von dir freue ich mich
hallo hubertus !
wie geht es dir ?
ich gehe davon aus gut.
melde dich mal mit einer nachricht, die e.mail addresse steht ja da
[…] L’Artizan Bakery and Mickey’s Deli October 11, 2007 […]