Boot Camp classes will provide a time-efficient approach to exercise. You work the whole body. You’re in and out. For most of us who are time-conscious, it’s a nice way to fit fitness in. In a gym, you’re on your own, at Boot Camp you form a camaraderie with people, because you’re going through the challenges together.
The core of Boot Camp is that it is an overall, well designed, whole body workout. A fitter you will perform better in whatever sport you participate in, in whatever situation you find yourself in. The classes are about progress, not perfection. The class works with your abilities and encourages you to work at your own pace.Boot Camp will develop your strength, stamina and flexibility. The program combines cardiovascular and strength training exercises in a regimented 60 minute sessions.
Join James, Katie, Bing Bing, Stella, Marge, Mig, Alexie, Ria, Gary and I at the Polo Club Gym on Mondays 1130am & Wednesdays 615am & 1000am. And for those in the south, there are classes at the Alabang Country Club Studio on Mondays & Thursdays at 630pm.
For more inquiries, contact Ned Hourani at or at 0917-8471764.
Hey, Ned!
You have put in more muscles i can see. Great example to your student wards.
Surprising not to see Bobby Gonzales here? And we don’t see any pictures of Rica?
Hi Ned,
You’re looking even better these days, more muscles and better built.
tita rica! next time i’ll take picture of you. haha
Is this MIG … miguel del prado? … son of nonoy and wing?
hi Rica, how long is the session? thanks!
It was nice to see sir Ned once again.. You look great sir!
Oh, ma’am Rica, congratulations! Maybe you should also start offering some digital photography class.. Hehehe! I’ll be delighted to enroll.. Ciao!
Yup, No pictures of Rica

Bobby pops in once in awhile to make sure his girls are working hard
Yup, it is Miguel.
Joey, the session lasts for 60 long minutes! haha!! But you feel good after! The trial class is free!
Hi Fidgi, so nice to hear from you!
My husband and I are devoted, die-hard groupies of Camp Pain…and of the Ned & Janet Show in general :-). So happy you put this up, Ned!
Camp Pain is, by far, the best, most rewarding, most fun, most realistic yet most challenging and results-oriented session anyone can get in a gym. Or at a military base. Just incredible!
Ned, Juampi and I have dibs on any new schedules!
Felicitaciones, che!
I hope our “suffering” on Mondays and Wednesdays pays off!
Hey rica,
Great new site! i love this class. really really kills the fat. thanks to ned! yup my parents are nonoy and wing.
[…] Bootcamp 11:30 am/10am class – Weng ( not in photo since she left early), Margie, Katie, Mig, Bing, Liza, Ning, Alexie and Bina – had a christmas get together. We missed others who could not make it – Marissa, Stella, Roseanne and James. It was nice to have some hubbies join in – Bobby and Joel. [Show as slideshow] […]
[…] Previous Entries: Camp Pain for Fitness October 13, 2007 […]