The much awaited Starbucks Planner is out already!!! This planner was first launched in Christmas 2003 and it was the planner that started the planner craze in our country. Many other stores and companies followed suit. You cannot imagine what Starbucks customers do just to get this planner. It’s amazing! And not only has it been copied in our country but Starbucks International has adapted the idea to other countries as well all over the world! Many great ideas come from Starbucks Philippines and implemented all over the world. That is Filipino talent at work.
When is STARBUCKS branching out In Iligan City or Cagayan de Oro? We love your many coffee variants, yummy desserts and……..your planner.
Uh- oh it’s that time of the year already? The mad sprint for the Starbucks planner. Ha, ha!
I was so dependent on my 2007 planner (my first successful attempt to get one) that I just have to go for it again this year. i am not a high-tech organizer, I still write everything down.
Plus, it helps Sparkhope!