Monthly Archives: November 2007

Tillie’s Lenguas de Gato

By | Christmas, Yummy! | 7 Comments


We used to receive these very popular  lenguas de gato that come in those round white plastic tupperwares during christmas time and always wondered where and who makes them.  Only to find out that our good friends and neighbor, Joey and Tillie,  sells them!!   We are so lucky they are our neighbors so now we can have them whenever we crave for it………. They are super thin, super yummy and super addicting!!!!  

They are homemade and come in two sizes (half  gallon and 1 gallon) and they  have been selling them every christmas season for about 10 years already, though they are available now year round.  So there is a christmas packaging and an all year round packaging.  It comes in these beautiful boxes:

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It would be best to place orders early for Christmas. 

For orders, please call 8877798 (c/o Chuchie or Rona) or 7523134 (Maan) 


Yakiniku Senri

By | Foodie | 5 Comments

ConCon recommended this place to us so we wanted to try it. The problem with eating only as a couple is you cannot really try many dishes.  So we were only able to try 2 yakiniku dishes.  The basic beef, Japan Karubi cut,  and tongue.  We wanted to try the tongue because it had some unique variations I have never seen before ( with onion and with garlic).  So the one with garlic chips is what we tried.  I found the tongue a bit too thick. I prefer it sliced very thin.  The karubi beef  was very good and we had it two ways- with the regular barbeque sauce and I had them marinate another order in just salt and pepper.


It’s Time to Shop at Gap!

By | What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

The brand we all love is finally here!

Gap Glorietta 4 opened since November 15. Trinoma opens November 20.

We are inviting all to dash to Gap & get a FREE Gap Baller Band for a purchase of any Gap item.

Check out our new Gap store and discover the latest styles, hip designs, and other cool offerings!

See you there!!!




By | Shopping | One Comment


Greenbelt 5 opened last October 26 with a few shops and restaurants in operation. It is a beautiful mall!     Looking forward to many new stores and restaurants.   



A House from a Fairy Tale

By | Homes and Interiors | 3 Comments

There is this beautiful house in Baguio which we pass by all the time. The land is nice because it is flat and it is surrounded by tall trees.  In the center is a beautiful lawn and driveway.  This house looks like a house from a storybook. For many years it has been there and for a time they had a sign  saying that it was not for sale, probably because they have received inquiries from many people.  One day, I will try to enter and visit the inside of the house and to meet the owners….anyway, we are neighbors 🙂




The Philippines Yearbook 2008 Launch Party

By | Events and Launches | 4 Comments

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The theme was ADVENTURE….as the book is entitled ” A Year of Adventure.”   Held at the newly opened, three storey building of the ROX store at Bonifacio High Street. 

Congratulations to Tita Gracie and Vernon!!!!  More power to the Philippines Yearbook!!


Christmas cards and gifts delivery?? What a service!!!

By | Christmas | One Comment

santa.JPGPACIFIC ISLAND COURIER (PIC) can deliver your Christmas cards and gifts!


My friend, Marybeth Villanueva, offers this great service.  She specializes in messengerial services so be assured that you can rely on them. 



Have a stress free Christmas and let them deliver for you.  

Contact and visit their website for more details PACIFIC ISLAND COURIER
