Monthly Archives: November 2007

Date Bars from The Lorenzos Kitchen

By | Christmas, Yummy! | 2 Comments


My friend, Lisa, makes these delicious date bars!! You have got to try it!!! I heard that it is my cousin, Nina’s, favorite too!The recipe has been with their family for more than 40 years and they have since accepted orders. It has always been packaged in a white box …”so I thought of  keeping the tradition and I think it makes it look more “home-made” than commercially designed boxes.” 



I love homemade stuff, for some reason – it tastes much better… could it be because it is made with   2986144983.jpg ? 🙂 

Small box – 25 pcs P 400.00   Big box – 50 pcs P 800.00


**except for christmas season (dec.), one has to order as a pair

Christmas packaging – Gold box, satin ribbon and gift tag





For those interested to order for Christmas, I suggest booking them early because supply is limited.

For orders please call Lisa:  0917-5441105 or Baby at 8527798


Rustan’s Supermarket Fab Cash Promotion!

By | What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

Dear FSR member,

This is the Season to shop at Rustan’s Supermarket and what better way to do this but with our Fabulous Cash Promotion!  From November 5 to December 5, 2007, a minimum purchase worth P3,000, inclusive of P300 worth of sponsor products, entitles customers to a P100 Cash Voucher instantly, which they can use to shop and spend the Fabulous Way !  So join the Fabulous Cash promotion now…It’s fresh! It’s fast! It’s as good as cash!  Hurry and experience the excitement of holiday shopping, only at Rustan’s Supermarket!



Happy Birthday Jigger and May!!

By | Celebrations, Foodie | 2 Comments

November 6, Tuesday People’s Palace

How compatible can they be? They have the same birthday!  And next year will be even a bigger celebration as they get married after four years of being together.  Finally Jigger has found the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with…and to think he has so many requirements and qualifications 🙂  May is definitely a good choice!

Thank you Jigger and May for celebrating your special day with us. It was fun taking photos of everyone.  It seemed like everyone was so used to posing for the camera 🙂  and we enjoyed the food and the menu selection you picked, definitely the BEST Thai restaurant in the country!! 


Jigger and I are turning a year younger tomorrow.  He’s turning 30 & I’m turning 25! 🙂 Join us for dinner tomorrow night at people’s Palace, 8pm. 


Pilates with Toys

By | Health and Fitness | 2 Comments

My friends Jay and Carmen, owners of  B+B Studio , asked me to try this new class they have at the Manila Polo Club.  I went two weeks ago to check it out. The toy they used that day was the fitness circle.  Each class uses a different toy. 




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Baguio Country Club’s Pastry Shop

By | Foodie, Travel | 5 Comments

This has got to be everyone’s favorite spot at the club!!  I was surprised to see it renovated since the last time I was in Baguio!  There is much more space to sit down and eat.  And now you can place your orders in advance especially for the ever popular raisin bread.  The cakes are delicious especially the St. Michael and the Carrot cake.  They have a strawberry shortcake which is also very good but there was none when I visited, probably sold out! Still have to try the others.  The chocolate truffles are new!!!



Messy Bessy

By | Giving Back, Green | 18 Comments

Heart2Heart is proud to launch the new line of “worry-free household cleaners” by my sister, Krie. 

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She created the whole line and developed it herself.  Heart2Heart was one of the first ones to test and try the products. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but the workers that produce and pack the products are from a foundation started as well by Krie called HOUSE.  Congratulations Krie and to Messy Bessy!!!!16.jpg 21.JPG32.JPGOther entry: Thank you from Messy Bessy[email_link] 

Baguio Foodie

By | Foodie, Travel | 10 Comments

We normally just enjoy eating home and going to Starbucks when in Baguio, but this time, Thanks to Tammy, Dina, Ria and Ramon, we got to try quite a number of restaurants in our 4 day stay.  Many of them have been there for a long time and we see them in passing but we have never tried them. Maybe they should come with us everytime we go to Baguio so we get to try another bunch of restos 🙂 

Hamada- Japanese Teppanyaki at Baguio Country Club

Cantinetta – Quality and taste is just as good as the Manila branch- ordered our usual favorites – Spaghetti Bolognese, pizzas and the Tartufo pasta.  Location:  Camp John Hay, beside Starbucks

House of Waffles – Former Country Waffles.  The place was full for breakfast!  They now have Korean food to probably cater to the Korean golfers in John Hay.  Located near the entrance of the John Hay Golf Clubouse beside Starbucks.

Mile Hi Diner – Recommended by Heather.  Typical American diner food, nice ambience.  Same owner as Carlo’s Pizza.  Address:  Mile Hi, Camp John Hay

O’ Mai Khan – Recommended by Chris.  Ramon wanted Mongolian BBQ.  They had an extensive menu aside from the Eat all you can Monolian BBQ. Address: 12 Otek, Baguio City  ( near Burnham Park )  Phone: (074)442-5885

The Baguio market is always a haven of fresh items!!!
