ING NYC Marathon 2007


I am so proud of my cousins, Nina Herrera-Huang and Ton Concepcion for joining the ING New York City Marathon, one of the 5 WORLD Marathon Majors. (Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York).  It was a Marathon that ran thru the 5 boroughs of New York and in the process crossed 5 bridges, a total of 42 kilometers or 26.2 miles. This year there were 39,000+ participants.




Nina finished it in 5 hours 18 minutes and Ton  in 4 hours 49 minutes.

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Many people wonder why many people join marathons and Nina’s husband and my cousin, Anton had a good way of putting it:  “People say that running the NY Marathon is running a personal marathon. 99% of the participants do not do it to compete against the thousands of others that are there struggling to cross the finish line. They are there to endure a life changing exercise, to prove something to themselves or as a form of sacrifice to create awareness for a cause of a loved ones suffering.”


Nina had her own reasons and one of the reasons was FOR A CAUSE which probably gave her more courage and strength to finish the marathon.  It all started with her sister, Pinky Herrera-Brady, who first pledged to donate a pair of ADVAN children’s sneakers for every kilometer that she finished.  The sneakers will be given as a Christmas present to a Filipino street child supported by Kidsmile Foundation, a charity organization run by Pinky and her friends, Nicole Olbes -Fandiño and Ana de Borja-Araneta. WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!  Nina was able to raise pledges for approx. 2,500 pairs of shoes. In peso amount this comes up to P500,000.YAY KIDSMILE!!! YAY NINA!!!

To read more on Ton’s experience, see his story.

Congratulations to Nina, Ton and the other Philippine representatives, you make us Filipinos proud! 688639895503_0_bg.jpg


Photos from :  Anton and Ton



  • Gogs says:

    Nice to see Tita Reg and Tito Stephen

  • ton c says:

    hi rica – wow thanks for featuring us in your website! nyc was really a great experience. i would sum up running as a very personal experience that makes you very strong in all aspects of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – its a great way to have fun with friends, live life to the fullest and help other people live better lives – as in the case of Nina who did a fantastic job raising all the funds for the benefit of the kids.

    let me also plug the condura marathon on march 2, 2008 at the fort. hopefully your readers can come and join and experience the natural high that running brings.

  • Romina Garcia says:

    Running a marathon is a very personal experience! Joining and training for a marathon is very difficult and crossing the finish line is definitely life changing! Doing it for a cause is especially fulfilling!
    Congratulations to Nina and Ton!

  • Nina Herrera - Huang says:

    Rics, thank you so much for this! How sweet of you. Ton and I had one of the greatest experiences ever and when we (I am certain Ton will agree) put all our crazy never-ending long runs into perspective, it is all worth the effort. Thank you for sharing the joy with us! Now, let’s go! Let’s go run!

  • Ria says:

    congratulations tita nina! 🙂 and (nicole’s) tito ton 🙂

  • AlexM says:

    Your blog is interesting!

    Keep up the good work!

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