Monthly Archives: February 2008

Rustan’s Flower Shop Valentine’s

By | Valentine's Day, What's New at Rustan's | 3 Comments


A Dozen Roses, Teddy Bear and Chocolates   P3,250

Imported Roses: P4,500

Roses in a Vase

1 Dozen: P 1,995

2 Dozens P 2,995

Imported: 1 Dozen P 2,995

               2 Dozens P4,995

3 Roses with a Teddy bear and Chocolates  P1,495

Imported P1,950

3 Roses with a Pillow and Chocolates  P1,995

Imported P2,295

Bouquet of Roses

3pcs  P495

6 pcs P 1,150

1 dozen P 1,950

Imported: 3 pcs P 795

              6 pcs.   P 1,895

              12 pcs  P 2,950


Kung Hei Fat Choi

By | Hearty Deals | One Comment


We will hold reservations for a maximum of three (3) days.

Wines must be picked up at Premium Wine Exchange.


Contact us:


Andrea Jacob 

 Ground Floor Smith Bell Building, 2294 Chino Roces Extension Barangay Magallanes, Makati City Philippines Tel (632) 812 3823 · Fax (632) 892 9724

1 For the Road

By | Events and Launches, Hobbies, Toys for the Big Boys | No Comments

Heart2Heart is honored to feature Autohaus BMW and its owner, Eymard. Eymard is also the Vice President for Marketing Services/Motorrad ( Motorcycle division ).  So not only does he own the place, he is a hard working executive at Autohaus.  Thank you Eymard for always being very supportive and for being such a kind gentleman always.  And to all the girls out there- Eymard is married!  So make sure if you do visit the showroom or give him a call, it is to order a BMW!  And guess what…Valentine’s Day is just around the corner…you might find something for your special someone….

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The exhibit was amazing…too bad Heart2Heart did not get to meet the owners of these BMWs.  When men have hobbies, they put so much passion and soul into it and you can see it in their “toys”!- whether it be a car, a watch, a bike, a computer or some gadget. 







BMW recently launched two new bikes…. 











By | Foodie | 9 Comments

Thanks to Mart for introducing Aubergine to us.  It is a beautiful restaurant and another option for fine dining.  Great food with great presentation.  Aubergine is relatively new as they just opened last December.   


Information from the Aubergine website: THE NAME “Aubergine” is the French word for “Eggplant” (Solanum melongena), a large, heavy vegetable, usually pear-shaped and dark-purple. A member of the potato family, eggplants are known worldwide, but are best part of Oriental, Middle Eastern and Balkan cooking. The eggplant is said to have originated in India, and was introduced to Spain by the Arabs in the 12th century. There, it was greatly favored it for its supposed aphrodisiac qualities; but in 16th century England and Italy, the eggplant was shunned and suspected of causing madness. Eggplants are not very nutritious, with only 1% protein and 3% carbohydrate, but they are low in calories and have no fat. The young, tender plants have the best flavor.




Great food and good company come alive with the right spirits! Aubergine’s extensive winelist includes only the best drinks from all over the world—from the vineyards of France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, and the USA—to complete your extraordinary dining experience.







THE FOUNDERS Since becoming friends and colleagues at the Hilton Osaka Japan in 1988 and at the Makati Shangri-la Hotel in 1993, Hansjorg Schallenberg and Norbert Gandler had shared the dream of putting up a culinary and hotel management school in the Philippines, to replicate the international standards and the traditional way by which they learned cooking in Europe. After years of pursuing separate career paths and building solid names and reputations in the hospitality industry, the two finally came together again in December 2002 to open ISCAHM Manila. Today, Schallenberg and Gandler are the school’s Director for Hotel Management, and Director for Culinary Arts and Pastry and Bakery Arts, respectively— educating a new generation of young hospitality professionals who will become the industry leaders of tomorrow.THE EXECUTIVE CHEF 

Aubergine promises to captivate with unique culinary creations courtesy of its new Executive Chef. After leaving Silversea Cruises in November 2007, Stefan Langenhan had planned to settle down in the Philippines. Instead, he found himself whisked into the Aubergine kitchen, where he brings his background as Executive Sous Chef and Executive Chef of various properties in Germany, Austria, and the USA. A highly-motivated chef, he looks forward to lead a team of culinary professionals and senior ISCAHM students in the preparation of world-class haute cuisine to satisfy Aubergine’s guests. 



The best cakes and pastries in town—and in the country—are in the Patisserie at Aubergine, courtesy of Filipino pastry chef, Ernie Babaran. After more than 25 years of being the most respected and highest paid Filipino pastry chef, Chef Ernie is “passing on his skills to future hopefuls” at ISCAHM. Experience the culinary magic behind the sweet treats that has impressed international hotel guests, award-giving bodies, and royalty; and make your birthdays, weddings, and other occasions simply extraordinary. 



Of course, Heart2Heart spotted the heart shaped chocolates at the pastry counter and just had to try them…. 




website of ISCAHM: 

32nd and 5th Building 5th Avenue cor. 32nd Street Fort Bonifacio 1634 Taguig 

For reservations, e-mail the restaurant or call [63] 02 856 9888.




  1. Parking below 32nd and Fifth building behind HSBC
  2. Open parking space across Bridgestone Tires building





For Johnip and Anne by Patricia

By | Celebrations, Foodie | 2 Comments

Thanks Dad and Mom for inviting us to join your dinner, we know that you invite us because we love to eat and this time because you know we admire your friends Johnip and Anne who were the guests of honor that evening.  Johnip being the former General Manager of Procter and Gamble where he worked for almost 30 years,  is a man to be admired!  I could listen to him talk all day and be inspired. And Anne the runner who runs 5 hours everyday and loves her pet dog ( more than Johnip  according to Johnip 🙂 )!

What a great and interesting couple with many great things to learn from them.

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and the other guests that evening…….. 

Tito Joe Mari and Tita Mary Ann who are just as fun to be with.  Tito Joe who is so amusing always… not only is he a singer..but  a comedian too 🙂

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….Tito Jun and Tita Beth who we met for the first time… 

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and Tito Boni and Tita Rose Choa,  good friends and parents of the chef for the evening, Patricia

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the hosts for the evening……

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Heart2Heart is so happy to have a meal by Patricia once again.  It is so difficult to get her to cater as she is very busy with her main job at Procter and Gamble.  Her former boss being, Johnip.  So, it must have been an honor for her too to cook for him that evening. 











Culinary background:  

Dubrulle Culinary School, Vancouver

Mulin de Mugins, France

Charlie Trotter’s, Chicago 






 Everyone was impressed with Patricia’s cooking!  It was a superb dinner!  If you want to try her cooking, give her a call at 09178387338. 


Sala Bistro

By | Foodie | 2 Comments


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Margs, Bambi and Mel, Thanks for inviting us to join your group for dinner!  We enjoyed the company. 






 We particularly liked the starters at Sala Bistro.  

Krie, you were right about the Garlicky Portabella mushroom with Goat’s cheese and rocket.  I would come back over and over again just to have this and this is all I will eat!  🙂  Some found it a bit salty, but being the cheese lover, it was perfect.  


 Sweet onion, olive, anchovy and roast tomato tart – Margs and I liked this too…


 Saffron and Mozzarella Arancini with Basil Aioli



 I normally ask James to share with me a taste of his dish, for some reason, he gave me the tiniest piece of steak, when he is not too fond of the dish, he gives a big piece or maybe even what is left.  So, he must have enjoyed the steak!

Steak and Chips 


The lunch menu is a little different, it has this in addition to the dinner menu…… 







By | Foodie, Travel | One Comment

When you are in the Hong Kong International Airport, stop by Wildfire even to just a get a pizza.  We discovered this through our nieces who always makes sure to get their pizza before leaving Hong Kong.  It’s something different away from the fastfood section of the airport. 471317867503_0_bg.jpghk0005.jpg hk0006.jpg    181317867503_0_bg.jpg222039867503_0_bg.jpg422039867503_0_bg.jpg [email_link] 


By | Foodie, Travel | 2 Comments

CITY SUPERlogo.jpgIFC Mall  A “MUST” place to visit while in Hong Kong…for gourmets and anyone who just loves FOOD!!  The ever popular Royce chocolate boutique is inside too.  699707867503_0_bg.jpg Heart2Heart’s favorite section – the CHEESE SECTION – such a wide variety of cheeses899707867503_0_bg.jpgAnother favorite section…. meats ready to cook – all packaged and sliced nicely depending on what you will prepare for your meal…. 761566867503_0_bg.jpg961566867503_0_bg.jpg till the guard caught me taking photos……I did not think they would notice because the store was full of people.   website: [email_link]