Isa’s homemade Mocha Cake

By March 18, 2008 Yummy! 4 Comments

Thanks Isa “my favorite favorite sister in law” for the YUMMY mocha cake you sent.  We shared it with the whole family………………. and then asked for the leftover back 🙂   666804798503_0_bg.jpg 

This is a special cake for me because

1.)  Isa only makes it for special favorite sister in laws 🙂 and special friends 

2.)  It is not for sale!

3.)  She uses soy milk

4.)  It is the only mocha cake I have ever eaten that has these yummy crunchy things sticking out of the cake!156804798503_0_bg.jpg

5.)   She gave me extra icing and crunch so I could get fatter and unhealthier!  🙂 685204798503_0_bg.jpg

6.)  It is a special version because I asked her to make it with less cake and more icing…and she did!




Thank you favorite sister in law! 




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