Monthly Archives: March 2008


By | Foodie, Shopping | No Comments

FINALLY!!!! After 3 failed attempts to have dinner with the group, we finally got to have dinner together.   


Newts and Michelle chose our dinner venue…something new and different. Though maybe we will not go all the way back there to have another meal, we enjoy trying and seeing new places and concepts.  Whenever my family and friends ask where to go to eat, my suggestion is always ” anywhere, as long as it is something new that we have not tried yet.”  There are so many places to go to..and many restaurants to try…



Bulan, which means “moon” in several languages, is owned by Marlene Aguilar, sister of Freddie Aguilar.   

She publishes books and she owns Bulan which is a restaurant and a furniture store.  




She rented the house from the owners of Jo Liza in Little Baguio, San Juan.  All the paintings, furniture, decors, tables, chairs are for sale.  



The restroom:



Though the interiors are Asian inspired, the food is European.  I particularly liked the Paulie’s steak which was steak with gorgonzola cheese and the pasta with three kinds of mushrooms, Crystal’s Flambe that I ordered. Portions are small for most but perfect for me:









There is a second floor where there are more items for sale.  You can also have a private affair in the second floor.




The bathroom on the 2nd floor:


 Beautiful antique chafing dishes from India which are for sale at P 50,000 each:






Thai at Silk

By | Foodie | One Comment

 347587568503_0_bg.jpgThank you Lolo for inviting us to have dinner with you…not only did we enjoy your company…. but we also love Thai food! 

 781448568503_0_bg.jpg  thai-at-silk0001.jpg silkbook3.jpgthai-at-silk0002.jpg  page2.jpgsilkbook1.jpgthai-at-silk0003.jpg Tita Tess, sarap this dessert!!! Glad you ordered it.  Remember that you need to order this in the beginning of the meal because it takes time to prepare.  silk-dessert.jpeg  thai-at-silk0004.jpg [email_link] 

My Bangkok Seminar by Peachy

By | Photography | No Comments

Peachy was very fortunate to have attended the workshop of Manny Librodo last March 1 and 2 in Bangkok!  Manny and Aloha chose two of their favorite works at the end of the seminar and one of them was the work of Peachy, Congratulations!!



4.gifby Peachy Garcia Concepcion 

I joined the photo workshop of Aloha Lavina and Manny Librodo in Bangkok. I really like Aloha’s travel photos a lot and looked forward to seeing her style of shooting. I love Manny’s use of natural light for all his photos and wanted to watch how he achieved his effects before post processing. It was a two day workshop. Extremely hard and tiring work as we shot from 6 am to 6pm the first day in an old abandoned building with no chairs or bathrooms. So we were on our feet basically all day. The next day was all morning also with photoshop class all afternoon. It was 6-9 different set ups the first day as this was the first time that they used Manny’s 2 favorite models together in one workshop. Kharu is a Filipina while Krystal is Thai. Though they both appear larger than life and extremely sophisticated in photos, they are both really sweet and simple. It was a first for Manny as well to shoot them together. Something you could really see he loved doing. Am only posting a few of my shots as these were the shots that were most different from the others. The borrowed zoom lens from Manny that I was using conked out and I had to focus manually the entire time. Yikes! Was so glad I could do it quickly but it certainly was a learning experience for me. All in all it was a great trip. Aloha and Manny are so talented as well as down to earth that learning from them was such a pleasure. bangkokmannyl.jpg_pgc2758.JPG_pgc2760.JPGmanny.jpg manny11.jpg  manny12.jpg  _pgc2608.JPG  manny1.jpg  manny13.jpg manny7.jpg  manny15.jpg manny10.jpg  manny9.jpg manny8.jpg 

 previous entry:  Workshop Spring Duet in Bangkok- February 7, 2008


Peachy will also be part of an exhibit called Bravo Filipino. Indeed an honor for Peachy to be invited to join such a roster of photographers including another friend, Kit Kat Zobel.  Congratulations in advance to Peachy and Kit Kat and the 7 others. Try to stop by to visit the exhibit.


 March 27-April 8


Isa’s homemade Mocha Cake

By | Yummy! | 4 Comments

Thanks Isa “my favorite favorite sister in law” for the YUMMY mocha cake you sent.  We shared it with the whole family………………. and then asked for the leftover back 🙂   666804798503_0_bg.jpg 

This is a special cake for me because

1.)  Isa only makes it for special favorite sister in laws 🙂 and special friends 

2.)  It is not for sale!

3.)  She uses soy milk

4.)  It is the only mocha cake I have ever eaten that has these yummy crunchy things sticking out of the cake!156804798503_0_bg.jpg

5.)   She gave me extra icing and crunch so I could get fatter and unhealthier!  🙂 685204798503_0_bg.jpg

6.)  It is a special version because I asked her to make it with less cake and more icing…and she did!




Thank you favorite sister in law! 



Christiana is 1 and Joshua’s 4!

By | For kids, Photography | 2 Comments

My friend Janet never fails to have birthday parties for her four kids every year.  I guess it is something she loves to do for her kids and at the same time enjoys doing it.  Janet is so creative!  She prepares almost everything herself.  I am so amazed!! From the invitation to the decorations to the cake, to the giveaways to the games.  She even makes the props for the games herself by putting together different stuff so she ends up not spending anymore to buy them.   I told her that she should be a party organizer because she is really good at it. I admire Janet, as a mom, as a wife and simply as she is.  She is one of the simplest person that I know and that is what makes her stand out. I am lucky to have met her and her family.  



With her permission, Heart2Heart is sharing with you the photos from the party of Josh and Tiana last February.  636222518503_0_bg.jpg 836222518503_0_bg.jpg  146222518503_0_bg.jpg  346222518503_0_bg.jpg 546222518503_0_bg.jpg 946222518503_0_bg-1.jpg 256222518503_0_bg.jpg  456222518503_0_bg.jpg 656222518503_0_bg.jpg 856222518503_0_bg.jpg  160832518503_0_bg.jpg 360832518503_0_bg.jpg  560832518503_0_bg.jpg 

Treasure Hunt game! What a nice idea!  The kids dig form the sandbox and look for the hidden treasure.  There are “X” marks to give them clues.  760832518503_0_bg.jpg 960832518503_0_bg.jpg   

Fishing game!  Hook a duck and win a prize.  Fish the net of gummy fishes and its yours! 270832518503_0_bg.jpg 

Kids had their own pail and shovel to scoop up their treasure from the treasure chest.  Whatever they are able to put inside the pail is theirs to keep.   470832518503_0_bg.jpg

 You will never believe this but even this cake Janet made herself.  We went together to buy some of the treasure sticking out but she cut up the cake to make it look like a treasure chest and then she fixed it all up to look like that.  AMAZING!! 670832518503_0_bg.jpg  870832518503_0_bg.jpg 299732518503_0_alb.jpg499732518503_0_alb.jpg  

The photos above are actually pages of a book which I made with I Photo on my Mac.  Of course i took the photos first then I laid them out.  After which I sent it over to my friends, Chu Chu and TC  Sibal’s,  store,  Picture Books,  to have it printed.   They can also lay it out for you if you have your digital photos but I enjoy doing it myself in my Mac.  It took only 4 days and they even delivered it to my doorstep with a minimal fee. I was very happy with the printed book and with the service I got.   

Then I gave it as my gift to the kids for them to look back at it when they are older.  

It is a great way to make an album because it serves as a story book as well.  It tells a story and you can share it with your friends and family.    


Taken from their website:

Easy Steps to Create A PictureBook

1. Just bring in your digital pictures to any of our retail outlets. You can bring in the memory card or a disc containing the photos. You can also use pictures from your cellphone (although resolution may not be as good as a digital camera).

2. Choose a size: Small, Medium or Large. Then pick a theme for your book. Will it be Hard-Bound or Soft-Bound? We recommend using high resolution photos for the Large size.

3. Sit with our PictureBooks operator and watch as your photos are laid out into a book. You’ll be surprised, its actually fun and easy. The process can take as little as 15 minutes or up to an hour depending on how involved you want to be. For convenience you can also leave it up to our Picturebooks operator to completely lay it out for you.

4. Review and check the final book before you go! Make sure you have everything just as you want it. Please double-check the spelling and captions.

5. Pick up your very own PictureBook in a few days! It takes us 4 working days. Remember its even better when you share it as a gift! (By the way, you can also have it delivered to your doorstep instead.)If you are a Mac user, then you can already make your PictureBook at home and just send us the file.



An Evening of Gold

By | Events and Launches, Giving Back | 2 Comments

Last October 2002, The Wharton-Penn Club of the Philippines reached a milestone as the Board of Trustees officially establishes the Wharton Penn Club Foundation , dedicated to support graduate studies at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, as well as in other schools and universities in the Philippines. It was through Ben Punongbayan’s expertise that the creation of the WPC Foundation was made a reality.  

The Foundation’s incorporators and officers are Sandie Poblador (President), Peter Coyiuto (Vice President), David Lim (Treasurer in Trust), Feliza A. Peralta (Corporate Secretary), Benjamin Punongbayan, Tony Andal, James de Jesus, Edwin Villanueva, and Mark Villar.

Board of Trustees



Sandie Poblador



David Lim

Corporate Secretary


James de Jesus



Regina Alvarez



Fely Atienza

Peter Coyiuto

Manny Herbosa

Conrad Marty

Lindy Theodoropoulos 

Wharton Penn Club of the Philippines Board of Trustees



George Siy

Corporate Secretary


Kenneth Uy 


Carlo Antonio

Vince Concio

Eric Gotuaco

Mike de Jesus

Conrad Marty 

Rommel Panganiban

Lizette Peralta 

The Wharton Club and Foundation has had many events and activities in the past, but An Evening of Gold was an exceptional one.  It was a beautiful evening for a great cause.   Thank you to the many of who have helped – the generous sponsors, the organizers, the bidders in the auction and for all those who attended the ball.  


The objectives of the Fund Raising Event is for Fellowship for US University & Ivy League Alumni, It aims to enrich US-Philippine Socio-Cultural Ties and to benefit the Bahay Pagasa Project of the PLDT and Smart Foundation.  



















Entertainment by RJ Jacinto and his band, Playhouse Kids, Regine Velasquez, Bimbo Cerrudo and the Rockin Revival Band.   

















  Congratulations to Wharton Club Foundation President, Sandie Poblador, for always spearheading the activities of the Club and the Foundation.  Your leadership and untiring efforts and energy is much to be admired.  


Thank you very much to Manny Pangilinan, also a graduate of Wharton and past President of the Club and served in  the  Wharton Advisory Board for Asia, for his constant support in all the Club and Foundation’s endeavors.  His unending kindness and generosity throughout the years is unmatched.   





  • To establish the BAHAY PAG-ASA YOUTH CENTER as a separate corrective and transformational facility exclusively for convicted youth offenders
  • To administer a wholistic formation/transformational program with emphasis on basic education, spiritual formation, life and livelihood skills.
  • To provide an interfaced support system for the youth offenders after their release composed of the family, the school or workplace, the church, and the community to ensure successful re-integration.
  • To pilot, assess and improve the program so that it may serve as a model for youth rehabilitation which maybe replicated in other areas of the country.  939728129503_0_bg.jpg

Thank you to the whole team from PLDT and Smart for making this night possible.  721128129503_0_bg.jpg  249728129503_0_bg.jpg 



The Last Lecture

By | Today's Quote | No Comments

When people share experiences, beautiful thoughts, that will help change your life… that means they care for your and they care to make this world a better place… a better place not only for us but for the next generation.  And that is what Heart2Heart is all about.  It is about sharing…sharing the beautiful and wonderful things in life…the experiences and the blessings that touch our lives.  Thanks to my friend, Tina Casimiro and my cousin, Anton Huang, for sharing this video[wp_youtube]_tIyt8oSLVs[/wp_youtube] 

im glad you liked it…..i sent it to you and other very select friends  whom i know full well who would grasp the essence of it…….. yes  lets share with others  the true meaning of life…the healthy and  good way to LIVE it …….not to take people for granted….as money, fame, business, social stature, achievements, will not mean anything  without humility, gratitude, respect for others…which is the GEM  and everything else comes SECOND hence should not hamper us from loosing sight of what matters most !!!  😉  

God bless 🙂 Tina 


you may have heard about the professor who is dying and gave a very inspirational talk that is on YouTube and that many people have been talking about; highly recommend that you download the version below (condensed for Oprah) and share with your loved ones

