Ciabata for Panini

By April 30, 2008 Finds, Yummy! No Comments

French Baker is the only bakeshop I know that has the most kinds of ciabata breads.  And the only one I know that has it in whole wheat.   Heart2Heart goes crazy deciding what to get! 


Panini Squares and Whole Wheat Panini Squares  313282238503_0_alb.jpg 

First time to see a square panini ( Whole wheat panini squares ) 691092238503_0_alb.jpg 

Mini Ciabata and Ciabata  


  Panini rolls




 Panini Squares   

313282238503_0_alb.jpg  491092238503_0_alb.jpg

  Flat Ciabata and Mini Whole Wheat Ciabata  613282238503_0_alb.jpg  891092238503_0_alb.jpg   


Previous entry on Panini:   Panini June 1, 2007

website:  The French Baker 



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