Cheeseballs Update!

 The Fisher brand is the best so far for Heart2Heart.  And now it also comes in PIZZA flavor and it is so yummy!!!  



 Planter’s Cheeseballs is back!!

Thanks to my cousin Ana and my sister Maricar for sending me the resurrected version of Planter’s Cheeseballs!  

I thought they stopped making them- apparently not but under a different name but similar packaging.  

The taste is not as good as the original one though.  There are so many brands trying to copy the packaging of Planter’s.  planterscb.jpg 

previous entry:  I Love Cheeseballs! on Feb. 15, 2007 

One Comment

  • Hiro says:

    what an exact time to post, was eating a local brand who made cheeseballs, will post abt it in the future.
    have to try the resurrected planters…htanks for the heads up

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