Thank you to Arnold and Ginge for inviting us and for allowing Heart2Heart to share your beautiful home. Ginge told me that their family business is furniture making. So they can make any furniture to your specifications. Your parents did a good job in building your home….It’s beautiful. It is perfect for a perfect and beautiful family whom we admire. Though you guys live so far from us, we hope to spend more time with you…as we enjoy your company.
Family portrait by Ember CrisostomoFamily Room
Master Bedroom – Ginge told me that she put the computers in their room so they can monitor their children- she calls it a call center 🙂
There is a glass window in their room where Daddy can look down by the entrance of the house and see the guys dating his three girls…so when they take the girls home, he can check and make sure that the guys cannot go beyond that area 🙂
Girls room
Marco’s room, more of his playroom because he sleeps with Daddy and Mommy 🙂
And their own home gym! WOW!! This is really a room dedicated for workouts and it is used daily by Arnold and Ginge
What a clean and organized garage! Doc, you must be OC! and why are you covering your car? 🙂
This proves that Doc Arnold is a very neat person not only at home but in the operating room 🙂
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