Gothia Cup 2007 by Jun Lopez

It has been a year since the Gothia Cup….

Thanks to my Dad for capturing the moments.  I took the photos and he took the video.  Though I use photos to capture moments, a video is the closest you can get to real life.  Not only did he capture it on video, he worked on editing it and coming up with a short film which he produced.  Just like a director, my dad really studies how he will make the film- the effects, the music which he chooses from his favorites,   the sequence of events, the captions, and the overall content of the film.  And I like his style!  I am sure many of you too will.  I wish I could have my Dad with me in every event to capture the moments and make the video.  But obviously, his films are all works of love – it took him a year to finish this video and I can say that it is worth it because aside from the memory of being there last year and witnessing the event, I can watch this film a million times and will always have tears of joy watching a great moment in my son’s life.   

It’s a box office hit!  PRICELESS! 

 Thanks Dad and Mom for even convincing us to go to Gothia – we realized later on that Jaime needed the moral support during the games and hopefully because of that he will always remember that we will always be there for him to support him….anywhere in the world!





Previous Entries:

MFC Europe Tour Part 1  July 6, 2007

MFC Europe Tour Part 2   July 17, 2007

MFC Europe Tour Part 3  July 18, 2007

MFC Europe Tour Part 4 – Gothia Games July 22, 2007

 MFC Europe Tour  – Welcome Party ( Final Part ) August 5, 2007

Gothenburg Foodie  July 22, 2007 




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