I don’t know if anyone can beat the family of Ned and Janet in terms of the number and kinds of pets in one home.  It’s amazing how they have accumulated them through the years.  Many friends give them animals/pets because they know for sure that they will be well loved and cared for.  Even stray cats go to their home and Janet buys cat food just to feed them. What you see here is not all, many have already passed away or they have set them free.  They even had a duck egg which was given to them by the Fun Farm at Sta. Elena and they were able to make it hatch and grow until they set the duck ( named Pato )  free back in the Fun Farm.   

Ned told me that having pets in the house teaches their kids how to care for animals and most important is RESPONSIBILITY.  It is not a joke to take care of pets, it is just like taking care of children.  So, it is a big responsibility and training the kids at an early age is good.   


Ned has helped me and some of my friends acquire some pets.  He is an expert at pets up to the last detail- from sourcing the pet, choosing the right habitat( cage, aquarium, etc ), to the decorations inside and  setting everything up. He will also give you instructions on what and how to feed them.  So if you are looking for pets for yourselves or as a gift, give the PET EXPERT a call.

Ned:  +63-0917-847-1764 


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