Dad and Mom hosted a dinner in honor of Carlson who was a very good host to us when we vsited Shanghai three years ago.  Carlson took us together with Suharto and Rina to many good restaurants and gave us a cultural tour of the city.  What a great tour guide.  Carlson is so soft spoken, so kind, so humble, so low profile yet he runs one of the most successful snack food companies in China!  I have this sort of liking for people who produce snack foods 🙂 We are so fortunate to have a met a new great friend!

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Mom and I were deciding what kind of food to serve for Carlson so I told Mom Filipino food since he must be tired of Chinese food.  Only to find out that Carlson is very picky about his food.  He said he will eat anything as long as if you put it in your hands, you do not have to wash your hands after.   What an interesting way to put it!  I guess that means nothing oily or fatty.  Now we know how Carlson keeps his trim and healthy figure.  After having said that, we are glad he still ate the cuchinillo! as he is a kind and proper guest.  🙂

Mom of course prepared a very good home cooked meal…Thanks Mom for preparing and hosting!

Soup Triolet – Tinola, Sinigang and Corn 


Kare Kare and Bagoong by Ado Escudero 


Buko Lychee Sherbet – Wow!  We were all so amazed at this presentation.  Round for the ladies and the tall one for the gents 





Cheese Platter 


Lemon Bars 


Fruit Platter 


Fresh Tarragon Tea from Mom’s garden 


Thanks also to Carlson for these two beautiful limited edition prints entitled Siopao Siomai.  He told me that for sure I would like his gift and of course I do, it is FOOD!:-)

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by Pepper Roxas or Isabel ” Pepper” Roxas

Her Mom is Kit Roxas, owner of Tawilis Antiques at La’O Center, near San Lorenzo gate.  Pepper’s works, and those of Sheer Joy, are inside her mom’s shop 

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Carlson does not know it yet, but I have officialy appointed him to be one of Heart2Heart’s ART teachers 🙂  He is designated to acquaint Heart2Heart with anything that has to do with Arts and Culture.  So we look forward to more art and cultural adventures with Carlson and share it here at Heart2Heart!

Previous entry:  River Songs July 11, 2008 



  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Wow! Your mom is my guru in hosting a party! the table setting , food presentation and menu were awesome! I love the sorbet cotainers. If your mom will have a lesson on hosting parties (table setting, menu planning etc) .. please please let me know! love to your mom and dad!

  • Wendy Jalbuena says:

    I second the motion

  • yup! Carlson is genuinely kind 🙂


    Isabel Roxas’ work are absolutely FANTASTIC! 🙂

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