Discover Color at Rockwell’s Urban Bazaar


This rainy season; satisfy that urge to splurge at the Rockwell Urban Bazaar from August 15 to 17 at the Rockwell Tent.

This year’s theme: “Discover Color, Find your style”, Rockwell’s Urban Bazaar will showcase over 80 participating shops with a unique mix of women’s fashion, men’s line, accessories, beauty, home items and knick-knacks.

Raid the racks with clothes from exciting brands like Be, Cole Vintage, Daphne, Designer Soiree and V Clothing. And shift from work-wear to weekend wear with Lime, a fabulous line of comfy and lightweight jersey tops and dresses. Perfect for the active woman who needs flexible fashion to fit her lifestyle.

Adventurous stylephiles will also enjoy Tammy Tan tops and casual dresses in geometric prints and make a bold fashion statement. Tammy Tan’s playful yet elegant designs are sure to add spice to your closet and will let you stand out from the crowd. 

Treat your soles with fashionable footwear from IchigoNJ Sneakers, Renegade Folk and latest footwear fad, Plueys Manila.

Plueys lets you enjoy stylish Wellington rain boots made from durable natural rubber with sturdy treaded soles and are softly lined for comfort. Its perfect from dressing up or even dressing down.

Guys can also enjoy a wide assortment of men’s line from Villareal and Munky, as well as tailored shirts and jackets from Navarro. Hip shirts and denims that fit the urban lifestyle can also be bought at Switch Nation.

To make you even more chic and stylish are accessories from Buxani, Fuddy Duddy, Get Happy, Temp Station, BBB, D!luxe Jewelry, Bags in the City, De Roca Bags, Veronica Manila, Gypsy Holiday and Tonic.

And finally to make your shopping extravaganza complete, indulge your taste buds in new and exciting food booths outside the tent.

So rush to the Rockwell Tent to splurge and spoil yourself with this year’s Urban Bazaar and even get a chance to win raffle prizes and enjoy Samba performances by Escola de Samba de Manila – the first and only Samba school in the Philippines!

For inquiries you may call 898-1702.




  • lidy says:

    when is the next bazaar?

  • Rica says:

    The next bazaar is next weekend already – September 12-14

  • lexi says:

    Tip No# 1 for Bazaaristas: Never ever fall prey to other opportunist bazaarista’s tricks.

    This summer I joined a bazzar for the very first time. I met a fellow bazaarista who showed an interest in my items and showered me with friendliness and false promises. She volunteered to sell my items in a consignment basis. I was hesitant at first but I gave in. She seemed like an honest and reliable person, very friendly and amiable. A month has now passed and have yet to see a single cent. I called and texted her to remind her of the payment but her replies became few and unfriendly. I have now reconciled with the fact that Iam never getting my items back nor my money. It was such a stupid decision to trust a complete stranger. So never ever at any point be a victim to these bazaarista’s. if someone wants your items make them pay in full. Pay or no deal…that’s what you tell them. And by the way she interviewed my tindera first so also remind your tinderas to be vigilant and never to give anything away… where you buy stuff etc etc… the important things. You can never believe how many evil opportunist are lurking in bazaars.

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