75th Birthday of Tito Totoy

By August 28, 2008 Celebrations 9 Comments

For the past 3 years, we have been invited to the birthday of Tito Totoy.   This year was his 75th birthday!  

His children plan an evening to celebrate his special day with his family and close friends. We are deeply honored to always be part of their family gatherings.  

Happy 75th Birthday Tito Totoy! 



The celebration started with the Holy Mass…. 


And right after, Tito Totoy said he wanted to eat since he was hungry already 🙂 The dinner was really good!


And every year, I look forward to seeing the cake that Soraya makes for her dad.  It is a labor of love as she bakes it herself.  We made sure we got a piece of the cake and it was really YUMMY!  The whole cake was real cake!  We even took home some 🙂  Soraya studied in Switzerland and she makes many delicious pastries and cakes.   


 And of course, the grandkids are always present…. 

titototoy10.jpg titototoy11.jpg

 That is Soraya’s son, Junior, eating his Mom’s cake!


The night ended with a surprise program by comedian Mitch Valdes.   We all had a good laugh! 




  • Beny Chua says:

    You take such good pictures, i am so proud to be your friend, and you always seem to take pictures that make us look so good and articles that make us appear so kind, thank you so much for all the wonderful pictures, you are a very very talented and thoughtful person, James is very lucky to have you, aside from coming out at the Philippines Star today!!!


  • Tonypet Albano says:

    Beny is right. Your website is simply remarkable to say the least. Just make sure you put our good pics in it… Take care and be well. God Bless.

  • Tonypet Albano says:

    Oh… and Tito Totoy’s Bday is something I look forward every year. The food and company are great… as now enshrined in Rica’s famous blog. Exceptional children (Reyes Family) who are caring and thoughtful enough to celebrate their father’s Bdays. More blessings to all! 😎

  • Gia and Sihanouk says:

    These pictures are great! Again, you are the only one who documented dad’s special day. This is the first pictures we’ve seen. It’s nice to be able to imagine what went on and piece together stories we’ve heard about his bday bash. We really appreciate it. Thank you.

    Gia and Sihanouk

  • Vanessa Pastor-Ledesma says:

    Ha! I didn’t look too fat in your pictures afterall! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures & hope to see you in future gatherings 🙂

  • Irwin, Suyin and family. says:

    We are sorry we were unable to attend the party but Irwin and Daniel did arrive the next day and were able to spend some quality time with Lolo. We wish many years of happiness and good health. I love you Daddy.


  • Linda Kalona says:

    Uncle Totoy,

    Thank God that you have reached your 75th and always in style and love!!!! May the Good Lord always protect, guide, and surround you with your loved ones!

    I enjoyed watching the website. Will see you soon.

    Hugs from your niece in Jakarta,
    Linda Kalona

  • rocio pantaleon says:

    Hi Rica!

    How cute that you documented Uncle T’s party.. Thanks so much.. The pictures looked so real! Congratulations Rica!


  • miguel says:

    Perfectly documented Rica! Too bad I missed this one. I’m sure it was one BIG fun. Happy Birthday Uncle Totoy! You’ll always remain the cool uncle for all of us. Great to see my cousins looking good as always.

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