Uncle Libering

By September 22, 2008 Tributes 3 Comments

A few weeks ago, I arrived in the Polo Club parking lot and I saw Cynthia from afar and Uncle Libering in his wheelchair.  I walked towards them to find out that Uncle Libering was very pale…little did I know that that would be the last time I would see him.   

Everyone I talk to remembers Uncle Libering as a very cheerful person just like his brother who is my father in law.  He was our “Ninong” in our wedding 14 years ago.  I remember very well when he visited me in the hospital when I gave birth to our first son.  He brought me some pastries, I think ensaymada.  I was so touched.


 Uncle Libering is such a simple person and I admire him for that. 

His shirts are all from Brooks Brothers….. so I guess Daddy Monching was trying to convert him to a Lacoste guy because every Christmas and birthday, we help Dad get his gift for Uncle Libering.  Here is a photo taken during Uncle Libering’s birthday this year – the two brothers in Lacoste 🙂


He goes to Polo Club everyday to go to the gym where I see him regularly


 Heart2Heart pays tribute to Uncle Libering! A good husband, father, brother, uncle, friend and businessman.dsc_4996.JPG

 Since he lives in Malabon, we celebrated mass at this beautiful church in Malabon….

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While in the church, I overheard two women chatting and saying that Uncle Libering visited his wife, Aunty Choleng ( who passed away 5 years ago ) everyday and gave her flowers!!! WOW!!!!!  I only found that out a few weeks ago!  And that was what Cynthia said in her eulogy that her Dad was a loyal and faithful husband…….even till his last day.scan1683.jpg





  • mart says:

    My sincerest condolences to the De Jesus family.

  • Mia says:

    Hi Tita Rica!

    Thank you for posting the pictures! I like the one with Lolo sitting next to Lolo Monching in uniform. >:3

  • rica says:

    So sorry to hear about your Uncle’s death. I would just like to share with you that my trainer in Polo Club (Marlon) told me that your uncle would leave a banana everyday on top of his locker for the last 5 years! My trainer was so sad when he heard about your uncle and I am sure many are too since he was such a good man.

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