Monthly Archives: October 2008

How Cool is That?

By | Great Achievements | 5 Comments

I saw a post of my friend, Crisann, in her multiply site and I asked her if I could share it here at Heart2Heart.  

God has His ways!  Sometimes we wonder why or how we can have the worst problems in life or the lowest times in our life…….. then suddenly everything turns out for the better.  And in Crisann’s case, DOUBLE the happiness!  God never ceases to amaze us!  

She wrote down 3 lines which caught my attention…..( and I just added photos )






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The White Hat

By | Yummy! | No Comments

I heard about White Hat so I went all the way to Mall of Asia just to try it!!!  And….. I love it too!!!

Soon they will open in Rustan’s Supermarket Makati! Around end of November.  I can’t wait!!!!!!! 


Website:  The White Hat [email_link] 

Laro!….. Child’s Play by the Philippine Youth Symphonic Band

By | Arts and Culture, For kids, Giving Back | 2 Comments

Congratulations Maja Olivares- Co and to the Philippine Youth Symphonic Band(PYSB)!  Because of you and your constant support, 62 children are able to bring out their talents in music.  It’s amazing!    Thank you to everyone who watched the show and supported the children.  You have done a great act of love for the children and love for music.   I heard that the next performance will already be at the Cultural Center of the Philippines!!  WOW!!  Be assured that Heart2Heart will support the PYSB always!










There was an auction hosted by Tessa Valdez during the intermission.

Artists generously donated their works of arts themed pets and children funriture


This was one of my favorite parts, the little trumpet boy who did a solo the video by clicking on it 








Previous entries:  Laro..Child’s Play – September 16, 2008

Philippine Youth Symphonic Band Jazz Holiday November 30, 2007 


Myron’s at Powerplant Mall

By | Foodie, What's New at Power Plant Mall | 2 Comments

This is our second time to eat in Myron’s and we enjoyed both experiences.  I finally had the Burger with Foie Gras and had the oyster sampler.  Yum Yum!  And even after eating there twice, I still have to go back to try the other dishes

previous entry:  Myron’s Place – June 3, 2008 

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We got to meet the owner, Mon Eugenio and his wife Monique


I am so lucky to have dined with three handsome men……

Thanks guys!! hope we can do this often 🙂

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Previous Entry:  Myron’s Place -June 3, 2008  [email_link] 

Educare Celebrates Halloween

By | Educare | 4 Comments

For the first time, Educare celebrates Halloween!  It was our biggest party since we had 200 kids from the 5 daycare centers who came to join.  Thanks to my friend, Janet,  and her daughter Mariza  for volunteering to help me out with the party.  

It was a morning of games and lots of treats for the kids.   I was only able to gather around 50 costumes.   I was hoping to give all 200 kids a costume for them to wear for halloween.  So some of them just put make up on their faces.  Nevertheless, it was a fun day for them. Thanks to my family and friends who generously helped make this day a special one for the kids



Janet dressed up the volunteers as “encantadas” 


We had three programs from the kids 





Emilio’s 1st Bday

By | Celebrations | 4 Comments

When we received the invitation from Lauro and Grace for Emilio’s birthday celebration, we knew already it was going to be a grand celebration….. Thank you Lauro and Grace for always making us a part of your lives, by always sharing with us your photos and events in your children’s lives.  They are very lucky to have you!  

Happy Birthday Emilio!!  

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