Congratulations Maja Olivares- Co and to the Philippine Youth Symphonic Band(PYSB)! Because of you and your constant support, 62 children are able to bring out their talents in music. It’s amazing! Thank you to everyone who watched the show and supported the children. You have done a great act of love for the children and love for music. I heard that the next performance will already be at the Cultural Center of the Philippines!! WOW!! Be assured that Heart2Heart will support the PYSB always!


There was an auction hosted by Tessa Valdez during the intermission.
Artists generously donated their works of arts themed pets and children funriture

This was one of my favorite parts, the little trumpet boy who did a solo the video by clicking on it




Previous entries: Laro..Child’s Play – September 16, 2008
Philippine Youth Symphonic Band Jazz Holiday November 30, 2007
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