Georgia’s Littlest Pet Shop

I don’t think I will ever get tired of going to kiddie parties.  Each one is so unique and you really get to see the work the moms put into every party…definitely a labor of love!  

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There was actually a pet shop with live pets!  They were raffled off to the kids at the end of the party  – love birds, hamsters, fish and turtles


The much awaited prize table – everyone looks forward to the prize table in Tina’s parties.  Even Mommies go crazy over them.  This prize table had prices and the kids win paper money and they use the paper money to buy their prizes


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Happy winners of the pets  



Previous Entries:  Welcome to the Mystical Forest October 28, 2007 

Max’s Haunted Party June 9, 2007 



One Comment

  • Remy Reyes says:

    Belated Happy Birthday Georgia! Enjoyed looking at all the pictures. Wish we were there.
    Decor is so beautiful. It is now 5pm here in Hartford,Ct. Got so hungry seeing all the good food especially the Puto Bungbong of Via Mare. Your Mom as usual did a great job in making your birthday party and happy and memorable one.


    Aunty Remy & Uncle Ray

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