Javs and I were so happy to have had the chance to visit Tita Nena in her Subic house and as usual we love her country house. She was busy fixing her house and preparing it for her kids and grandkids who come over to visit. We were amazed at her collection of magazines and books which was in almost every shelf in the house. She told us she collects then and reads them over and over again. As usual, they are neatly organized and for sure chronologically arranged. It is so nice to see what people collect and know their interests
In her kitchen, all recipe books and magazines
Even in her laundry room are more magazines
And could not help but take a photo of this plaque in her kitchen
wow, and we thought OUR magazine collection was bad! but how nice to see them organized so neatly (unlike ours, which are all over the house, such a mess). may we ask, what sort of magazines and titles she collects?
Magazines are Home, Garden, Interior Design, Arts and Crafts.
Books are mostly inspirational, Spiritual, Self Help, Children’s books, cook books, floral and decorating, store designs and visual merchandising, Filipiniana and Religious.