Wedding of the “Century” Part 2 – Church Wedding Nov. 8

By November 19, 2008 Bridal 8 Comments


  • Jessica Guevara says:

    Hi Rica!

    This website is such a beautiful work of art! You are so good in taking pictures you should become a professional photographer. U truly capture the most amazing moments!

    Thank you for sharing with us your God given talent 🙂

  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Rics. You are amazing!

  • jigger antonio says:

    Thanks for this part 2 Rica! thanks for the time and effort you put into making this..

  • Rica says:

    Thanks guys! I sort of had a problem with my camera for the church wedding. I did not know that a drastic change in temperature would affect the lens of my camera. We came from the airconditioned room of the hotel and straight to the church. My camera was taking blank photos in the beginning and then it was not taking many shots. I felt so bad. I could not believe it could have happened at the most important part of the event. That is why you will notice a lot of the photos are blurred or dark 🙁

  • Margarette says:

    Hi Ms. Rica,

    I fully understand how frustating the situation you’ve been. But don’t worry, all the pictures you took and were posted here are very very nice!!! I agree to what was posted here that you should be a pro!!! You’re really good with it and I love the soft focus on some of the pictures which I think is your forte! 😀

    All the best Ms. Rica!!!

  • Hi Rica,

    I could not agree less with what Jessica had said about your talent and with all these amazing candid photos that you’ve captured. You’re truly very good at it. Keep up the good work Rix!!! I will share these memorable photos to all my friends.


  • may munoz says:

    Thank you so much Rics!! You are amazing!!! 🙂

  • CORRECTION from my previous comments:


    Thanks to my husband WE for the correction:)

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