Wedding of the “Century” Part 3 – Reception

By November 21, 2008 Bridal 7 Comments

It’s amazing how the series of events happened one after the other…all so well organized and so elegantly done.  Jigger covered every single detail of his wedding just as he would at work.   From the church was cocktails then the reception.  It was a difficult task for me since there were just so many details and beautiful moments to capture.  I could not stop and go all over the place.  Even the food, there was an abundance of choices.

 The reception did not end after eating dinner, the highlight for us was the program they had which showed the videos which were very unique.  Instead of the usual video about the couple, the couple prepared a beautiful video dedicated to their parents.  Then another video, Wedding by the Ocean’s, which was such a creative presentation.  After which were the speeches by friends and family which were truly touching and so emotional that we were in tears and I am sure the others too.  We could go on and on listening to all of them.

This wedding proves that what makes a beautiful wedding is not only the beautiful decor and the food, but the feeling you get and  the love that you feel between the couple and among all their friends and family.  The overall experience of a beautiful wedding and the emotions that it brought out…We will never forget this day.  


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Previous Entries:

Wedding of the “Century” Part 1 – Arrival and Rehearsal Dinner Nov. 7 

Wedding of the “Century” Part 2 – Church Wedding  Nov. 8

Jigger and May by Jason Magbanua 

Wedding of the “Century” Part 4 – David Morales 

Wedding of the “Century” Part 5 – Luau and Dinner Nov. 9 



  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Rica…what a beautiful wedding. I love that you broke it down to three parts. What a beautiful wedding! I guess it ends here..don’t tell me you’ll be documenting their honeymoon! enough na! hahaha!

    Great job Rics!

  • jigger antonio says:

    thanks so much for capturing the pictures of the setup rics! our photographers probably focused on us too much and were not able to take pics of the food and setup. You pictures will immortalize that night forever!!!

  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    i just realized i said “what a beautiful wedding” twice! hahaha!

  • Rica says:

    Jigger, so funny because i hardly have any photos of people…I think I have never been as exhausted as I was ever – there was just so many beautiful things to take. The memories of that evening will be immortalized in our hearts forever!

    Tricia, you are so funny!! That is because it was really beautiful!! :-)And this is not the last part yet…. more to come…but not the honeymoon haha!! wait and see….

  • may munoz-antonio says:

    Rics, again, thank you so much!! this entry is amazing once again! you joining our honeymoon is not a bad idea. haha!! you will be able to capture great photos again for sure & that’s priceless 🙂

  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    There’s your invitation Rica! I should get your friends a “DO NOT DISTURB” or “NO CAMERAS PLEASE” SIGN just to let you know when to stop clicking! 🙂 hahaha! 🙂

    Great coverage as usual…:)

  • Mariko Jacinto says:

    Wow I sure missed a lot ! I wasn’t able to go to this wedding but thanks for sharing these photos, it means a lot when the bride and groom are close to your heart. Good job!

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