Chelsea Market with Eric and Mig

By November 28, 2008 Foodie No Comments

Mig was leaving for New York and not taking us with him, so we just had lunch at Chelsea Market so we could feel like we were in New York 🙂

Eric kept feeding us and dumping food on our plate, we figured it was his tactic so he would not eat too much!!  I will follow that technique too 🙂 Thanks guys for the lunch- next time, we should take our time, not rush and eat more!!  



5 Cheese Macaroni and Cheese!! 


You have to eat this 4-layer Toblerone Torte!  A MUST!!!   


After eating that Toblerone Torte, i wanted to see what other pastries they had in the counter…wow, they all looked good! 


 Previous Entry:  Chelsea Market – March 2, 2008


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